
Thank you Zac, that road is amazing to ride on the motorbike, but when the weather is nice it's not funny because there are thousands of bikes and cars and you have to take too much care about the others to have fun yourself.

Cheers and !BEER

Oh man, now you have spoiled it for me with the traffic.
Did I tell you that I hate traffic?
So the only time that I will ride on that road is at sunrise and sundown 🤣

You seem to have done that as there is no traffic in the photo?

Cheers and thanks!

I hate traffic too and luckily in the mornings when we drive to work the traffic leads towards the city and when we drive home the traffic is again on the other side of the road. That's one more positive side of working out of town 😃

The weather was bad and so there haven't been many people on the road, that's true. It was cold and windy and later it even snowed.

Cheers and !BEER

Ah, over here we call it "running counter traffic" Hannes and stragely, we do the same.
Just not this morning, as I had a very bad night, maybe 3 hours sleep and at 6:30am we were on the road to a tyre business that is run by a friend at the airport.
I figured that thec traffic will only start at 8am, as most peaople start work at 9am.
What a mistake, as it's a national highway and a lot of traffic was on the road.

Bad weather is the best times to get out as most people are allergic to bad weather lol.

Cheers and thanks!

If you drive into our town between 7 and 8 am you will certainly stuck in traffic and the same will happen between about 4 and 6 pm when you drive out of town, but since we are only a small town it isn't that bad.

That's true and I love it most when the forecast says it would be bad, but then they are wrong and I have places for me alone 😉

Cheers and !BEER

And when there's an accident it's even worse, as everyone slows down to "rubberneck" when they drive past the accident scene. Backing up traffic for miles. A normal 30 minute drive to the airport can take 2 hours when there's an accident.

Yeah, somtimes the weathercasters are wrong and it works in our favor lol.

Cheers and thanks!

Such people get fined here if they hinder rescue workers or the police.

Cheers and !BEER

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