Before It's too late

in GEMS5 months ago


Danu fell asleep again, when he woke up, his eyes immediately looked at the wall clock which showed 07.01
"Astaghfirullah" he shouted in his heart.
You can see from the open door of his room, all the students are busy running around, they run while occasionally tidying up their school uniforms and don't forget the caps that sometimes still hang on their heads.
Immediately his face panicked, he had promised not to be late again today, he was confused about what he should do, suddenly someone about 184 cm tall rushed into his room, opened the cupboard and took the homework book he forgot to bring, Ardi . Danu's roommate.
How dare he not wake me up, even though I told him to wake me up on time, said Danu to himself. His face scrunched up looking annoyed, his eyes stared at Ardi sharply.
"Why didn't you..."
"I almost died waking you up, Danu!" Ardi's finger pointed at him, as if he didn't want to be blamed. Danu was just silent.
"You can't be woken!" he stressed.

The scream made Danu even more panicked. Likewise, Ardi, who didn't want to be late, immediately rushed to leave Danu alone.

the shouting sound is always heard every morning, Ustad Amin's voice, the head of the dormitory who is firm but gentle and loving towards all his students, he has his own way of solving every problem of the students in the dormitory, as usual he counts from 1 to 10 in Arabic so that all students immediately vacate the dormitory and no one is late to go to Madrasah.

For the past few days, Danu has always been late. He's not usually like this. Previously he was a good child, diligent and disciplined. But in the last few days, many changes have occurred since he returned from the village because his mother was sick.

Teng.. Teng… Teng….
The Madrasah bell was heard ringing, Ustad Amin was seen standing in front of the dormitory fence, welcoming Ardi's hand, the last student to shake his hand before leaving for the madrasah, but his gaze remained focused on all sides of the dormitory.
"Hah..." Ustad Amin sighed, he was seen massaging his forehead. Danu, his thoughts were on Danu, why was he late again? What actually happened to him?

"Ardi, wait a moment, son." called Ustad Amen, Ardi stopped his steps which were starting to move away only a few steps from him.
"What actually happened to Danu?" asked Ustad Amin, with both arms folded proudly over his chest, his right hand gently holding his chin.
"Why has he changed lately" he continued.

This question reminded Ardi of a week ago when Danu returned from his village. At that time, his face seemed very gloomy and full of sadness. Ardi looked at that face step by step as Danu entered the room, he placed the bag he was carrying along with his body on the floor.

"Huh.." Danu took a deep breath. Fatigue perhaps, he thought.
“How is your mother and?” Ardi asked.
"Yeah... Tired again, but thank God it's getting better, and I've taken it home," Danu answered convincingly.
"Thank God, then I'm happy to hear that," said Danu suspiciously. His eyes looked a little glassy, ​​his best friend was really good at hiding things. His mother had recovered, so why was he sad? Ardi asked himself.
"How are you, Ardi?"
The sound broke his memory.
"What happened to Danu?" Ustad Amin asked again to confirm.
"Ah..., sorry ustadz, I'm also confused when I see him lately," said Ardi evasively, his eyes wild here and there. Only occasionally did he dare to look at Ustad Amin.
"Recently, he often stays up late at night, even after morning prayers he chooses to go back to sleep, he asked me to wake him up, but it was very difficult for him to be woken up by the ustadz," explained Ardi. Ustad Amin shook his head several times and took a deep breath, feeling confused at Danu's changes.
As far as Ustad Amin knows, Danu doesn't have any problems in his family. The only problem is, a week ago his mother was sick, but when he contacted her, her mother said she had recovered.

Ardi went to Madrasah feeling confused, still about that memory. It's strange in his opinion, Danu should be more active in studying, instead of causing problems, if his mother finds out that his current behavior is like this, it could be dangerous for his mother's health, but why is he only late for going to Madrasah, if he goes to the mosque on time, but always goes back to sleep after morning prayers, even at school he often sleeps during break time. "What's wrong with my best friend," he muttered as he continued walking.

On the other hand, the Madrasah is starting to get worried about Danu who is always late every day, and his interest in studying has even decreased. Ustad Yadi as BP madrasah plans to report this to his parents, so that his parents know about his child's behavior here.


"No, Ustad," said Umi Dina.
"We don't need to tell his parents about things like this, Santri is our responsibility, so we have to educate him well, instead of every time there is a problem we report it to his parents" Umi Dina protested
"Danu is actually a good child, it's just that we need to know what "Actually, the problems he experienced, Ustad Amin will definitely not remain silent," added Umi Yuni, strengthening.
They felt that Ustad Yadi's decision to tell Danu's parents was the wrong decision, especially since they knew that Danu's mother had just returned from the hospital.
"But this has happened many times, we have been warned about it, we have even been punished, but Danu still violates it. I'll still call his parents!” chuckled Ustad Yadi, who didn't want to give in. According to him, all students must obey all the rules in the Islamic boarding school, without exception. However, the decisions that Ustad Yadi always takes always seem rushed and without consideration.

Ustad Amin was still standing in front of the dormitory fence occasionally looking at the clock in his hand while waiting for Danu to come out of the dormitory. Not long after, Danu appeared with a dull face and red eyes as if he had not had enough sleep and started to approach Ustad Amin who had been waiting for him all along.

"I'm sorry Ustad," said Danu pleadingly, he grabbed and kissed the hand which was starting to wrinkle.
Slowly, the soft hand touched and rubbed his head.
"What's really wrong Danu? Your mother has just recovered, why are you like this?" Ustad Amin asked gently, Danu straightened up again and looked warmly at the loving and firm man.
"Don't you feel sorry for your mother?" he continued.
"I'm afraid, Ustadz, I'm afraid of losing my mother," said Danu.
"Oh my God, why do you say that, son? Isn't your mother already healed?" asked Ustad Amin who was surprised by Danu's attitude.

Recorded clearly in Danu's head, the shadow of his mother. That day, he stood in front of an old woman lying on a hospital bed, her face was pale and tired, he saw facial wrinkles that were starting to look old, the woman said with a slight smile, to welcome the arrival of her beloved child.
"Mother is just tired, son."
Danu continued to look at his mother, in his mind, if father were still there, father would definitely be sitting next to mother to accompany her right now. Since my father died, my mother was often sick and there was no one to take care of her. His sister, Rika. There's not much she can do since she got married, she spends more time with the man of her choice, Rika only visits her mother occasionally.

"Mom, Danu just quit the Islamic boarding school, so that Danu can take care of you," Danu asked his mother as he sat hugging the woman who was still acting tough in front of her child, not wanting to make her child worry.
“Danu…? "Mum, it's okay, son. Don't worry about me. Tomorrow I can go home," his mother answered reassuringly, while returning the hug by stroking her son's head. Danu was silent but her tears spoke, dripping slowly without meaning to.
"Remember, son, I will only be happy if in the future you become someone who understands religious knowledge," answered his mother,
"So you are doing all this so that you will be fired from this Islamic boarding school and you can take care of your mother? Your actions are wrong, son!!" greeted Ustad Amin, who had been listening to the story.

"No, Ustad, I didn't mean that." Danu stressed.
"Then what son, why?" Ask Ustad Amen again.
"I'm just preparing myself ustad, I'm afraid, when my mother breathed her last breath, I wasn't there beside her to help the words of La ila Ha Ilallah ring in her ears, and what I'm most afraid of... I can't be the priest to pray for my mother's body ustad" said Danu who was starting to tear up.

"But Danu, your mother is fine now, your mother has recovered... don't have any strange feelings." Ustad Amin said firmly, trying to calm Danu.
"No, Ustad," said Danu softly as tears fell from his eyes.
"The doctor said my mother had brain cancer and needed surgery. She came home from the hospital not because she was cured, but because she no longer had the money to pay for the hospital. I heard everything before I entered the room, but my mother hid it," Danu couldn't stop crying.
"Oh Allah... Why didn't you tell Ustad, son, why did you hide it too?" Ustad Amin hugged him tightly and couldn't hold back his tears.
"Believe me, son, God willing, your mother will recover," said Ustad Amin, slowly releasing his embrace. Danu was still crying. His voice was sobbing.

"I'm sorry ustad, I don't know what to do anymore ustad, my mother is all I have. Every night I pray tahajjud praying to Allah, so that my mother can recover, I strengthen my heart every night to memorize the prayers and procedures for the funeral prayer, "I shed tears, Ustad, so that if Allah takes my mother, I will be able to be the priest of her funeral prayer," Danu explained in full.
"You'd better go home, meet your mother, accompany her, the ustad will give you permission to go home, before it's too late," ordered Ustad Amin.

Without thinking, Danu immediately rushed. Danu enthusiastically packed several clothes from his cupboard, his return home felt like he was harboring a deep longing for his beloved mother.
Not long after Danu left after saying goodbye to Ustad Amin, Ustad Amin's cell phone rang. Danu's parents were written on the fullscreen cellphone screen. He wondered, what's wrong? Hopefully this is good news, he thought.

"Hello... Assalamu'alaikum, sir," greeted Ustad Amin, full of doubts.
"Wa'alaikumussalam ustad"
A young woman's voice was heard, apparently not Danu's mother's voice. This made Ustad Amin even more curious.
"I'm Danu Ustadz's older brother. I ask Ustadz for help. Tell Danu to come home immediately, mother's illness is getting worse," the voice was a little sobbing.


Instantly Ustad Amin fell silent, his thoughts focused on Danu who was currently on his way.

“About 2 hours. "We can leave now to catch up with Ustad," said Ustad Yadi invitingly. Ustad Amin explained what really happened, Ustad Yadi almost took the wrong action, luckily he didn't have time to tell Danu's mother about himself, otherwise it would only make his mother's situation worse.
"We have to go there immediately, Ustad, Danu needs us by his side," Ustad Yadi asked again enthusiastically. His guilt gave rise to empathy.

The news about Danu quickly spread throughout the Santri, an outstanding child, from among the poor, who loved his parents very much and whose parents were in a disaster. All his friends, including Ardi, his roommate, were shocked to hear this news.

Everyone helped raise funds for treatment for Danu's parents, Ustad Amin and Ustad Yadi along with Umi Dina and Umi Yuni followed Danu to his house, several of his friends including Ardi also went to visit his mother to encourage Danu.

On the way, the previously paved road began to be replaced by a hard rocky road with a few holes filled with water left over from yesterday's rain, a sign that the intersection for Danu's house was near.
"As soon as you come to an intersection, turn left, ok ustad?" Ardi said show me the way. Using a Grand Max car, they only drove around 20 km/hour because the road was not very good. The closer they got to Danu's house, the more worried they felt about the condition of Danu and his mother.
"Oh God, I hope Danu's mother is okay," hoped Umi Yuni.

"Innalillahi wainnailaihi roji'un" greeted Umi Dina who saw the green flag when they were about to enter the intersection.
And sure enough, not far from the intersection, you could see a house that wasn't that big with a blue tent in front of it. You could see a group of people wearing caps and mothers who were gradually starting to fill the place. That was the lake house.

The whole car felt devastated by the incident, poor Danu.
Ustad Yadi shed tears, as did the others.

“You late kid?” Ustad's regret Amin.
One by one they got out of the car and saw Danu standing in front of the house door facing them. Suddenly his face contorted to hold back tears when he saw they had arrived. Without hesitation, he approached and hugged Ustad Amin while crying, the cries could be heard clearly in their ears.
"I'm not late, Ustad, I'm not late," these words accompanied Danu's sobs as he hugged Ustad Amin.
"Be sincere, son, be patient. "There are still us who are also your family," said Ustad Amin as he let go of the hug.

Now his gaze is focused on Ardi, his best friend. They stared at each other, Ardi's face wrinkled, tears dripped from his eyes.
"Why don't you..."
Immediately Danu hugged him tightly
"I'm sorry Ar, I don't want to burden you"
Ardi couldn't say any more, he just hugged Danu tightly while patting his shoulder.
Ustad Amin and the others remained at the funeral home with Danu until the funeral was over. During the funeral prayer process, Danu was able to become a priest and pray for his mother's body.
