Still Down?

in GEMS4 months ago

I wonder if anyone else is having a problem uploading videos to 3speak? About three weeks ago I saw that they made a post about having some server issues that they thought would be worked through in about a week. Recently every time I try to upload a video I get a Cloudflare bad gateway message.

Anyways I've put 30 hours on my John Deere 2025 and am getting more used to it by the day. I am impressed by how much it can do being a small compact tractor. For the job I'm doing I certainly could have used a larger tractor, but then after this job any larger tractor would have just been too big for the property. Not to mention cost substantially more up front.

First thoughts on the John Deere 2025, like where's the clutch??? :)

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I'm glad you are happy with it.