Once again it seems that I am writing this post to myself, which is often the case. It's not that I don't think anyone else is going to read it, although I don't believe there are many that do, which is totally fine and understandable. So in essence I use this as a personal diary, which contains future ideas and reminders to myself that reflect the lessons that I am learning in the present.
If there is any good that will come from the horrific hurricane Helene, it will be in the form of lessons learned from the suffering of others. The overarching lesson learned to my mind is a fact that we each individually are on our own. Certainly some people are fortunate to have good neighbors or a strong community that can help to support them. However the warning that one must never count on the generosity of strangers comes to mind. I think it has become abundantly clear that the government is not going to be the superhero that crashes into the scene and rescues you from the predicament.
I have watched so many videos on TikTok where folks are in desperate shape, pleading for assistance or in need of such basics like water. Sadly there has been little to no help whatsoever. If any support has gotten through, it most certainly has been from the state’s own national guard and not the federal government. A formal boots on the ground response from the federal government has been strikingly absent for the folks in such dire conditions. One would have thought that we had learned our lessons from the last Federal debacle which was Hurricane Katrina. Even if the Fed showed up right at the moment and started fixing everything, I would have to argue that it came a little too late. Come on you bloated Federal bureaucracy, do better.
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Well ... my friend. No someone did indeed read your blog. It is horrible what is happening. Our governments have anything but an eye on the ball. Prayers for those in need. The lightbulb shot is superb.
Always good to know there are some still reading content here.
Yes the gov is not your friend hence the famous Reagan quote: " I've always felt the nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the Government, and I'm here to help."
Yes ... I remember that quote. I think the problem is we built systems on the idea that we would vote for a surrogate king, who we would then have a chance to vote out again once a certain time has past.
The images of the aftermath have been horrible. Water is not an easy opponent to wrestle with.
On another note, here is that Leonard Cohen story that mentions Kris Kristofferson.
Oh he is quite the storyteller! Thanks for sharing it. Interestingly, this article from Rolling Stone takes the story (and song) of that meeting just a little further...
Ive heard about that before, that he regretted naming her to the song.
The world is in such a sorry state. We who are at better situation than many others should be thankful.
Exactly right
One might hope that after all the hurricanes, ice storms, and that little thing called COVID that people would plan ahead. Store up in advance if you plan to shelter in place. Evacuate early if you plan to evacuate. But no, they wait on FEMA, the National Guard, and the Re dcross while bleating about "price gouging" if anyone rations scarce goods and rewards entrepreneurial redistribution via the market.
Indeed. I know I am going to add to my supplies, it only makes good sense.
All I can say is: Weather manipulation. Think about that one.
Secondly, there were people and even professionals (not sure how to call people who help as a profession) who were ready to help, but they were stopped from moving forward. I watched a video of someone who said that a woman was begging for help for her husband who had just been washed away by the flood, and people weren't allowed to go into the area to help him (which, according to this man, would have been easy enough for trained people).
It's horrible what has happened but it's a land grab. Just like Hawaii was.
Know your real enemy > https://www.bitchute.com/video/5zkK3vV33j4v https://www.bitchute.com/video/r5ekDiAXIUU4
I have been noticing that and although never quite enough, I couldn't remember any major disasters here that fema and the such wasn't on the scene pretty fast. Never enough for sure, but at least you saw them make some effort.
I have read and heard, but not fact checked, that they stole a lot of the fema money to help pay for housing and food and stuff for all the illegals they let invade here and so there is not enough to even attempt to do what they normally try to do. Too bad, so sad for the real American citizens. They should be so ashamed and yet, they don't care and that was pretty obvious already, so not new news.....
Even so.... their lack of help is shouting loudly.
I also meant to say, I was initially considered to be in the path of the storm, but it turned more left in our state than they thought and we were spared little more than a bad storm, with no more flooding than general for more than a few minutes as a few low lying roads had some intersections flooded. They drained of pretty fast though and my main thing is I took a mental tally of what I had here before the storm and thought I was as prepared as I needed to be as even when power goes out and the such, it is never for very long... HA ! I could have never imagined what happened in the western part of the state happening here, but if it had been here, I was NO WHERE near prepared for that.