It's All Relative

in GEMS14 hours ago


Yes it is cold. Yes it is snowy. Yes it is Virginia and yes it is yucky. I don't care how pretty it is, I am officially over with snow, just plain done with it! This certainly was not what I had in mind when I moved 500 miles south from Michigan.

Hell even the heat pump doesn't keep up with the cold Temps. If one sets the thermostat at 68, the heat pump will do fine as long as temps stay around 30°, it is able to keep up. However if we dip into the teens overnight the house will likely be 65° in the morning. In other words the heat pump cannot keep up with the amount of heat that leaks out from the home's interior. Being that this is new construction, I'm certain they did the bare minimum as far as insulating the walls.


But, It's All Relative…

Yes I do like to bitch and moan about the weather. I suppose that was a lesson learned from my previous life in Michigan where kvetching about the weather is a pastime of sorts. Ultimately it doesn't do much good, but it tends to make one feel better in the moment. However this cannot even in the slightest compared to the brutal suffering of the poor folks in California. The devastation caused by the fires out there are top of mind as one cannot look at any news source without seeing it in all of its tragic detail. It is apparent that mother nature gives no quarter. Alas, however, it appears as though a good part of the human suffering is also due to human folly. All said, it certainly makes me feel fortunate that a smattering of snow is all that one has to complain about.


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At least with the move, the length of time you need to complain about the weather is shorten vastly, maybe 8 weeks (if that) instead of 8 months. LOL

You caught that melting snow drip at the perfect time.

Ah yes you and I know deepest darkest winter we’ll do we not?

I find I don’t “play” in the snow anymore but I certainly don’t avoid it and hibernate. Oh the roads are bad you shouldn’t to out! Screw that I have a 4-wheel drive car with winter tires I am gonna go Tokyo drifting!

Part of what will keep us young as long as possible is finding joy in enjoying the outdoors no matter the weather.

Stay warm old friend.