Walking In Divine Health.

in GEMS2 years ago


It is God's will for us to be in good health. Divine healing is God's intervention to restore you back to health - the good health He has promised and already given. When you fall sick, it is not God testing you but the devil tricking you. By the virtue or redemption, we have healing as our bread...daily bread.

Jesus demonstrated that He has the capacity and willingness to heal. Health is of God while sickness and disease is of the devil - (Reference: Luke 13:16 NLT). A lot of people know Jesus can heal but they doubted His willingness to heal them.

Keys to enjoying divine health.

Feast on The Word of God.

The Word of God becomes health to those who find it. Reading the Word, believing it and you find it. Confess it by believing it. The discovery of His Word engenders the recovery of your health. If you are too busy to feast on the Word, you willalways get toyed over by ill health.

Release Your Faith.

When you believe there would be a performance of what you believed. It is one thing to find the Word and it is another to believe in the Word. It is what you believe that God performs. He cannot perform what you don't believe. The just walk by his faith. It is faith that empowers The Word to deliver. If you don't enforce your faith, The Word is dormant. What you believe not what you find, sets the pace for what you receive.

Subscribe To Healthy Eating.

Please create healthy eating boundaries. Stick to portion control. Slow down on unhealthy food. Watch your eating time too. One of the principles of divine health is eating healthy. Apart from the devil inflicting people with ill health, not eating healthy is another way we inflict diseases and sicknesses on our body.

Cultivate A Merry Heart.

A joyful heart is good medicine but a crushed spirit dries up the bones, the Bible says. Refuse to be an embittered person. Nothing takes people into the bed of sickness than bitterness. Bitterness is a root that springs up diverse troubles in the system of man. Bitterness is anti-God's nature therefore it disconnects us from the presence of God. Anything comes in when God is absent. Bitterness or unforgiveness attracts the activities of tormenting spirits.

Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn't bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.

Olawalium; (Love's chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today: doctor's order.


Thanks a lot for this sir, I hope people who eat junks and blame God for been unhealthy can learn one or two things from this article.

Some illness happen naturally though and it is not God's will for us to unhealthy. He wants us to be and if we can keep to the steps you have mentioned here, I believe that we will do ourselves a lot of good.

Thank you so much, brother. Everything God tells us is for our own good. God wants the best for us always and above all, He knows the importance of staying healthy.

This is correct sir. We eat whatever we want and still blame God. We have the template on healthy living from the Bible but we ignore it. God is ready to help us and we have to help ourselves too by eating the right kind of things.

Yes. We want to do things our way and still want God to show up. All the fruits listed n the Bible are not for jokes. I need the Pomegranate fruits. I want to look for it.

You have said it all, feasting on the word of God is just the best way because that way we can easily fight those doubts from our hearts that tells us this situation is more that your God. I totally believe in the healing power of God and I'm happy to read you share this.

Happy lord's day to you 🥰.

I absolutely believe in the healing power of God. God is merciful and He can restore us to health. Feasting on the Word is a sure way of living healthy; both mentally, physically and spiritually.

Thank you, love.

Indeed it is. You are always welcome boo, it's more of my pleasure be here 😍🥰

Doubts will come but we have to continually take in the Word of God. That's why we have to daily imbibe that habit of studying. You made a valid point there.

Absolutely right on this too. Daily study of the Word of God.

That's right, the more we study the more we know. Thank you so much for your contribution to what I've said 🥰

I agree with you and you are absolutely right, although I am one of those who think that everything comes from the mind, if you have a healthy mind, you will have healthy thoughts and therefore divine health, we return again to the proverbs or sayings xD, In my country there is one that says that everything you think is what you attract to your life and it is true, but beyond that it is super important to try to nourish yourself with the word of God and of course eat well and exercise to keep us healthy, I love this post, may God grant us divine health ♥ Hug friend.

I love this and you nailed it. Yes, our thoughts helps a great deal. It's a gateway to living healthy. This is why it's important to allow the Word of God to filter away those negative thoughts so we can control the things we think about.

That's right my friend, I really loved this post, usually in every poem I post I always leave a bible verse because I think we all should read the bible even once to nourish our mind and thoughts and try to apply that to our daily life, again thanks for sharing this great post ♥

Unhealthy mind gives unhealthy thoughts which leads to different kinds of health challenges. If we can take care of our thoughts which is why the Bible says we should daily renew our minds with the Word of God, then we can stay healthy.

Hahaha I am loving these engagements and the deep understanding every reader have on this. I love how everyone touched different aspects and still nailed the points. Thank you.

Surely yes friend, the more we nourish our mind and more with the word of God, the chances of getting sick are little or none, I enjoyed reading you friend hope you are well a hug ☺

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We have illnesses as a result of our doing and some due to affliction. God wants us to be in perfect health. He wants the best for us every time but we as humans always think of ways to circumvent the process and still blame everyone else apart from ourselves for it. This is a wonderful piece. Thank you.

Humans would always want to find another way to interpret the Word of God as you have rightly said. God is merciful and He is more than able and willing to restore us to health and keep us in health. As we feed our body with good food, our spirit man needs the soul food too which is the Word of God.

I like how you said it. There is food for the belly and the one for the soul. As we strive to stay healthy by watching what we eat we need to also stay healthy as we take in the Word of God.

Yes, we have to work intensely on achieving both. When we focus on one aspect and neglect the other, it affects one another.

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