My New Line Of Business

in GEMSlast year

Good day hovers, trust your day is going on smoothly. Today I want to shear with you my new line of business. After given it a deep thought of which work to do after giving birth to my twins when I realized that my salary cannot sustain us anymore given the fact that both myself and my spouse are teachers. In this part of the country where I am, teachers are not well paid, therefore I need something much more than my salary. And talking of my salary how much is it? it is just fifteen thousand naira which is not even enough to buy their diaper and food.

I thought of getting another job aside teaching. After a deep calculation, talking of daycare the money is more than my salary and other expanses are nothing to write home about, is like helping them to gather wealth. So I give up on looking for any job and finally decided on starting a business of my own and that was how I come about Charcoal business.

I already have the idea of the business before so it wasn't that difficult. But getting all the tools I needed wasn't funny at all, I have to look for car tires that they are not using again, then I need sack and canopy to cover it at least to prevent it from rain.

That is not easy at all, despite the fact that I own the business I still find it difficult to tie the charcoal. Most of the time my babies won't allow me to do the work. I always try as much as possible to put them to sleep before stepping out but the moment am out of the bed they're awake. But really if not for me being on my own I can't imaging me copping with any other work.

Then I came to realized why some people find their own money in the easiest cruel way, some will dupe people, a lot of scammers out there. Ritualist are uncountable all in the name of money.

Thanks so much for reading my post, have a wonderful day.


Starting your own business is always hard to start because you need so many things to perform your work and have none of them. I too, dream of starting my own business. Where I live, I see so much plastic. I want to build a shop to melt and extrude (push the molten plastic through a shaped tube to form it) the plastic into boards. #5 plastic will make boards for adult tables and #2 plastic will make boards for kids tables. I also wish to extrude old plastic into a 15-20cm post form, that can be sliced into disks and then those disks will be pressed in heated molds to make frisbees. These are my dreams. I recycle metals and I put the money in a piggy bank. That money will one day pay for machinery to start this idea.

Is not easy to make money at all. I pray your dreams become reality soon

I admire that you are finding a way to earn money honestly. I really wish you success in your new venture, and that your children will someday understand. Perhaps they will enjoy helping you when they are old enough.

If you persist with hive and share your experiences, in time it can increase and help quite a bit.

Again, all the best to you!