A few months ago, a tall, dark and handsome young man, just like Hulu's ideal man, walked into the office, her heart started racing, whispers starting flying in the air, who is he? What does he want?
Sooner than later, she was told that he is her new manager.
oh no! She thought.
She was quickly flooded by the thoughts of working with such a hot chocolate sweetness and the temptations that will come with it.
No, I'll never hook up with a colleague, She muttered under her breath and thank goodness she had a boyfriend to help her ease out the temptations, besides she never cheats.
She had such a chaotic work relationship with Michael, her new manager at first because she was very outspoken about any unfavorable work conditions. She began to despise her new boss to the extent that she regretted admiring him in the first place, in fact, she cracked a joke to Dave that she will scrape her vagina if she ever let someone like the new boss get in between her legs.
Surprisingly, as the weeks went by, they became best buddies and soon started sharing secrets, relationship talks, sexual stories, etc. And when her relationship becomes stressful, he always cheered her up, and as they say, a shoulder to cry on is a dick to ride on. So when she decided to cheat on Moses, the new boss became the best candidate but But Dave never knew all this, Hulu wanted to keep her office romance secret. It seemed like the universe smiled on her when Michael resigned, he got a better opportunity, and since Hulu never wanted an office romance, it favored her as Michael was leaving.
It was a cool typical Sunday work evening and also the last workday for Michael, every other staff had left and it was just the 2 of them. He usually waits for Hulu because they follow the same route home. She went to the restroom to change from her work clothes and he just walked in and said let me help you. His voice suddenly became music to her ears and she quickly felt hot in her panties, her heart started beating just like the first day she saw him and his smile left butterflies in her tummy. She grabbed him by his collar and kissed him deeply, It felt like the best kiss she'd had in years, her short sleeveless dress made way for his tongue, hands, and endowed bosom, they were lost in ecstasy for few minutes and she wanted it to continue.
Stop.. She said, I will come by the house tomorrow. She said.
They went home and that was the beginning of the affair, and the first time she will ever cheat in any relationship. For a few weeks, she had not been able to get aroused with Moses, but she did within seconds with Michael. But one thing was certain, she loved Moses and this situation with Michael was just lust...
Michael touched her even in places Moses wouldn't, with him there were no limits. He worshipped her body, she loved it, she forgot all her issues with Moses for a while, a perfect distraction. She told herself, she will go once but she went back for more but her heart was still with Moses. Michael told her that he was in love with her, all those while they were working together, he loved her but she told him that she loved her boyfriend and she wanted to work out the relationship.
Michael was her ideal man, he had the physical attributes she wanted. He had the one thing Moses lacked - height. It will make sense for her to leave Moses for him, but she had fallen in love with Moses and despite the problems she thought they had, she wanted to make it work, at least for one last time.
When you change your mind, I will be here... Michael said.
To be continued
Catch up with the previous chapters
chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
[Chapter 8(https://hive.blog/hive-148441/@nmalove/a-lost-love-chapter-8-a-poor-decision)