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RE: Journal to Capture Your Brain

in GEMS3 years ago

I love Obsidian and paper journals, specifically for use with fountain pens. I like to keep my notes setup simple, with a single notebook for thinking through ideas, and then Obsidian for an 'upload' at the end of the day or the start of the next one.

Developing a habit of keeping notes from ideas or thoughts you have, things you read, hear or see in an organized system is more invaluable than many realize. The value of note-taking grows as your notes accumulate.

This definitely resonates with me. As long as I keep plugging away, adding and reviewing and fleshing out notes, I can reasonably expect the creative work I desire to grow out of it.

I appreciate your thoughts. Thanks for posting!


great process and lets you capture notes and ideas when you're away from the computer. I create paper journals. Might be interesting to explore creating one that ties into a note-taking system. Thanks for the food for thought.

Glad I could be of use. I also keep a daily journal. I couldn't miss it because I love my fountain pens and I buy only the nicest journals. It's one of my favorite parts of the day. Often when I have something to think through I'll do it there instead of inside Obsidian.

Been reading material that often the hand writing process is more effective for working through thinking something out than using the keyboard. You'll definitely retain it longer.

Yeah, I've come across much of that too. In the world of copywriting, it's common to hear someone tell you to write out high-performing sales letters multiple times in order to internalize the structure and patterns of thinking employed by the masters.

I have seen that as well. I've also read about writers who spend time handwriting works they want to embrace. I guess the principle would work just about anywhere. Some of the great artists started out copying the style of other masters and then developed their own style.