in GEMS5 years ago




People come to an abrupt halt when the wonder of nature begins its show. Most try to capture the beauty, while the few stare mesmerized by the glory they behold.


I clearly remember several times in my life, too few and far between, I might add, that I actually enjoyed the beauty and blessing of a sunset. For the times that strangers shared the view with me, we relished together in the dramatic display performed by the star of the show. At that wondrous moment, where the sun dips suddenly below the horizon, gasps in awe and acclaim resounds. Such a sight to behold. A mighty privilege denied to many.


Do you ever wonder why, this occurrence, the marker of our day coming to an end, evokes such a response?

The book of Pslams may be able to help.


The Pslamist wrote of God offering the Sun to praise its Creator. Interestingly enough, whenever the rays of the sun radiate its beams of sun shine all across the earth, it evokes awe, wonder and gratitude. People are suddenly moved to praise all along with them.


The beauty that envelopes us through nature speaks to our souls like few things do. It can be defined as a soul-awakening experience. It brings us back to the source. It not only has the capacity to stop us in our tracks and captivate our utmost attention, but redirects our focus to the Maker of beauty itself. What a beautiful thought !

The marvellous wonder of God’s creation can help us pause and reassess, what truly matters. Ultimately, it reminds us that there is a Creator behind the stunning entrance and exit of the day. He loves making His children smile. Can you believe that the One who so loved the world, He made it, just to redeem and restore it. He loves us beyond comprehension. We can’t begin to understand the vastness of His love, but everytime you see the glorious sunset, He reminds us of that love He has for us.


So remember when you can, and as often as you can to stop and see the sunsets and feel His overwhelming love.

From the Sunset Lover
Toodles 🌞