Time yet again to announce the winners, this time of the ninth edition of the Behind The Photo contest!
We had almost 50 valid entries, and the competition for the top spots was fierce (meaning that there were a lot of really good entries!) This is the first winner post for this contest on the HIVE blockchain, so that's another reason for a bit of celebration for us.
The quality of the posts were very impressive and the 'story strength' was absolutely through the roof, we did genuinely have a very hard time trying to find winners, as we thought there were so many!
We hope that we can continue to grow the contest here on HIVE, to spread the word to get even more people to participate, as well as keep those who return with another entry, interested! If you want to take a look at all the valid entries, the easiest way is to go to the @behindthephoto blog where we re-buzz all valid entries (or look for the #behindthephoto tag if you'd rather do that). If you like what you see in an entry, consider giving the author a follow and/or a re-buzz.
We want to say a BIG thank you to everybody who participated. We know that it's not always an easy task to share stories behind photos, whether they are very personal, or very technical in nature (or both), so we truly value everybody's efforts. Hopefully, you thought it was as fun to create your entries (and look through the other ones), as we though it was reading all the stories behind the photos!
Edition #10 (wow, we are at #10 now?!?) will be launched later this week, so keep an eye out for the #behindthephoto tag, tell all your friends, post a link in your discord servers, spread the word and share the contest in any way you think is appropriate. If you like this contest and want to be notified on your feed, you can give @behindthephoto a follow. @behindthephoto will re-buzz all announcements and valid entries, so that is a very easy way of following the contest and to find all the entries.
Finally, we want to thank our sponsor @appreciator for helping us with supporting this contest!

Without further ado, below you'll find the winners of edition #10. Until the next edition of Behind The Photo, look after and take care of each other, be safe and be well!
Third place:

Behind The Photo: in Shuvalovsky Park

Second place:

Behind the Photo: The Digital Pinhole Camera

First place:

Behind The Photo contest, my first photography video / mi primer video sobre fotografía

Thank you @nelyp! Congratulations @bambuka and @monster-one!
Thanks to you for always taking part and for always doing it so well!! 😀
😍 This is so beautiful! It makes me want to keep taking pictures all the time, thank you all.
Thanks to you for taking part and also for making the first video entry! 😃
Congratulations to the winners
Congratulations to the winners!
Thank you @nelyp, @behindthephoto, @appreciator and I don't know who else for this magnificent contest. Greetings!
Prize transfers have been made to all three winners.
Many congratulations to @monster-one, @wwwiebe and @bambuka, hope to see you in the next edition of Behind The Photo!!!
Thanks, and Let's do it!
Thanks so much!
It is unexpected and pleasant:-)
This is an interesting topic, I will try to continue it in future releases.
Thank you, and very looking forward to your future entries! 🙂
Yes, I have such plans. Now I need to choose a theme and photo :)