Greetings my dear friends of Hive, today I come by again wishing you the best of days, and to give you this beautiful cake decorated with motif to lovers of movies and netflix series. This presentation was very simple to make and provided very neat finishes, perfect for amateurs because it does not require great technique, but a lot of love to get an impeccable job.
Como todos saben Netflix es una plataforma streaming por suscripción que les permite a sus miembros ver series y películas sin publicidades.
As everyone knows Netflix is a subscription-based streaming platform that allows its members to watch series and movies without ads.
Acompáñame a disfrutar este paso a paso que estoy segura te va a encartar por lo sencillo de realizar
Join me to enjoy this step-by-step that I am sure you will love because it is so easy to do.
Para llevar a cabo nuestra hermosa decoración como primer paso siempre es realizar el merengue italiano, y claro tener previo un bizcocho hecho.
To carry out our decoration, the first step is always to make the meringue, and of course to have a previous sponge cake. We will use the following materials.
Materiales a utilizar. // Materials to be used.
- Batidora.
- Bol para mezclar.
- Espátula.
- Colorantes en polvo.
- Azúcar 400gr.
- 4 Huevos.
- Cucharas medidoras.
- Esencia (una cucharada).
- Manga repostera.
- Cremor.
- Dispensador en spray.
- Licor blanco.
- Chocolate.
- Palillo de altura y pincel.
- Blender.
- Mixing bowl.
- Spatula.
- Dyes.
- Sugar.
- 3 eggs.
- Measuring spoons.
- Essence.
- Chocolate.
- Height stick and brush
- Piping bag.
- Cream.
- Spray dispenser.
- White liquor.

En una olla agregamos los 400gr de azúcar, taza y media de agua y lo colocamos a fuego medio, separamos las claras de huevo y las amarillas (en este caso solo utilizaremos las claras) y las agregamos en un bol (claras).
In a saucepan add 400gr of sugar, cup and a half of water and place it over medium heat, separate the egg whites and the yellow ones (in this case we will only use the whites) and add them in a bowl (egg whites and yellow whites).
When the syrup makes smaller bubbles and a thread point, remove from heat and let stand for about 5 minutes, begin to beat the egg whites until stiff peaks, incorporate in a steady stream the syrup, beat for about 3 minutes, add a teaspoon of cream of tartar and a teaspoon of essence of your choice (in this case we use essence of natha) and continue beating for about 8 minutes or until the meringue makes peaks.
Once the meringue is firm, we proceed to place it in the sleeves without applying any coloring and reserve. Then we open our cake in 2 parts, with the white meringue we place a border on the edges so that the filling in this case chocolate does not spill when placing the other layers, we incorporate the supports (this is so that the cake does not move).
Once the cake has its layers of filling, usually we place 2 or 3 depending on the size of the cake, and its supports; with the meringue that we had reserved is added to the top cake covering the edges and the top, and smoothed with a spatula; then optional we pass a pastry comb of your preference... once this step is done we proceed to paint the top, for this we place the red dye in a spray dispenser and any type of alcohol based drink (vodka, white rum) and apply atomizations until the top cake is covered.
En la parte inferior aplicamos el merengue, en este caso lo dejamos blanco y procedemos a pasar la espátula para dejarlo liso. En el borde donde se juntan las tortas colocamos formas a gusto del decorador (conchas, rosetas caracolas) y también las colocamos en la base del pastel.
At the bottom we apply the meringue, in this case we leave it white and proceed to pass the spatula to leave it smooth. On the edge where the cakes meet we place shapes as desired by the decorator (shells, rosettes, conch shells) and we also place them on the base of the cake.
Seguidamente colocamos el topper correspondientes a la temática; en este caso trabamos con netflix debido a que la cliente manifestó que su festejado era fanático a sus películas y series. Colocamos también una representación de una cotufera pequeña y para anexar un toque especial y original agregamos cotufas caramelizadas.
Para los toques finales en la parte inferior colocamos portadas de películas en cartelera y así quedo el resultado de la torta completamente decorada.
Then we placed the topper corresponding to the theme; in this case we worked with Netflix because the client said that her guest was a fan of its movies and series. We also placed a representation of a small tiger nut bowl and to add a special and original touch we added caramelized tiger nuts.
For the final touches we placed movie covers on the bottom of the cake and the result was a completely decorated cake.