My good friends at hive, today I bring you this simple recipe for caramelized popcorn, it's a tasty afternoon snack and it's very easy to make and doesn't take a lot of time.
Acompáñenme en esta acaramelada aventura.
** Join me in this caramelized adventure.**
Lo que utilizaremos será lo siguiente.
- Maiz de cotufa
- Azucar
What we will use will be the following.
- Cotufa corn
- Sugar
Place the cotufa corn in a pot, add oil and cover until all the kernels explode.
While the corn is cooking, in a separate pot you are going to make caramel, for this you need a cup of sugar and half a cup of water, let it simmer until it becomes a little dark, not so much because it becomes bitter.
Ya con las palomitas listas le agregamos el caramelo caliente y con una paleta de madera lo juntamos, Dejamos enfriar para separar las palomitas de maiz, el caramelo las pega. Y eso es todo amigos a disfrutar de unas ricas palomitas acarameladas hechas en casa.
Once the popcorn is ready we add the hot caramel and with a wooden paddle we put it together, let it cool to separate the popcorn, the caramel sticks to the popcorn. And that's all, friends, enjoy some delicious homemade caramelized popcorn.