Betterlife with Hive Blog //diary game//my village my home//07-07-2021

in GEMS4 years ago

In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

I hope that you will all be well By the grace of God I am also well
I got up early in the morning and prayed in the mosque And the thought came to my mind why not write about my village My Life


My name is Nabeel

I live in a village My village is an ideal village with all the facilities of modern and ancient lifestyle My village offers a glimpse of rural Life


The villagers use pure food so they stay healthy and energetic The villagers raise chickens goats cows and buffaloes at home These pets provide them with meat, eggs and Pure Milk
Yogurt butter and ghee are made from cow's and buffalo's milk I like to drink curd lassi for breakfast



Most of the people in my village are engaged in farming Farmers plow the fields outside during the day Grow






Crops give us different commodities

For example
Wheat rice cotton sugarcane corn gram and millet etc
Seasonal vegetables are also grown in the fields
The villagers used to plow the fields with oxen Now they have bought tractor
This allows them to cover more area in less time when the crop is ripe Tractor harvesters and also Thrasher do the cutting and threshing
When the goods reach home in sacks everyone gives thanks to Allah




The villagers take care of each other at every opportunity The elders of the village sit on the bed in the open field in the evening
I also sometimes sit there with my father The villagers describe their problems there My father and all the people in the village try to solve these problems
My Abu Jan is healthy despite his old age which is why the village has a great atmosphere Pollution is very minimal here
That's why villagers rarely get sick If someone gets sick he takes them away from the village center
When his condition worsens he is taken to a major hospital in the city When someone falls ill all the villagers take care of him and remember him



Joy and sorrow

The people of the village support each other in times of sorrow and joy The wedding ceremony in the village is usually held at the time of the house or in an open field of the village
The night before the wedding, the girls and women sing and clap together on the drums
The people of my village are very tough They load their agricultural produce into a tractor-trolley and take it to a nearby town market for sale The source of income from these Farmer commodities is livelihood
The water from the tube wells that irrigate the fields is very cold in the heat I often bathe there with my friends
The mournful sound of the flour mill can be heard far away
The lush crops and lush green fields are the pride of my village
I feel like my village is my home may allah keep my village inhabited and prosperous forever

amen then amen

special thanks

@bluemist @doze @ocdb @gems-community @ranchorelaxo @blocktrades @jim888 @barbara-orenya @asgarth @ocd @florian-glechner @blocktrades

