Will Karma get back at them? Read this first

in GEMS4 years ago

Hello hivers, happy Thursday.


A friend asked a question on Instagram today, he asked if the bad things parents do comeback to affect their kids as karma. It has me inspiration to write about my personal thoughts when it comes to karma.


Karma when it comes to religion

Karma is a major concept in some Eastern religions such as Hinduism and Buddhism.

In Hinduism it can be described as the sum total of a person's actions, which determine the person's next incarnation in samsara, the cycle of death and rebirth. On the other hand, the the result of Karma is referred to as “karmaphala

In Buddhism Karma is believed to be the things we do or say and the results it yields. On the other hand, the result of Karma is referred to as karmaphala.


Karma in physics

Karma in physics is gotten is from Newton's third law of motion which states that; for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.


Despite the many twists currently in the definition of karma, karma means the result a person's actions yields as well as those actions themselves. Despite the different definitions of karma, it all relates to one thing: for every action we take there is a consequence, this consequence could either be good or bad and it can come to affect us directly or indirectly.


Does Karma really exist?

I think the answer to this is yes, maybe not in the way we feel it does but karma governs the universe in a logical way. For example, when you push a solid object from a table, it obeys the law of gravitation and falls, this is the law of karma at work.

But unlike what many people believe, I doubt that karma is a merely punishment for people who have done evil, this is life and people get away with evil all the time and even people who do good get bad results too which proves that law false. People get away with murder, stealing and many other bad things, that's of course if they take adequate care of cover up their crimes, the karma for that is they won't get caught not because what they did is good but because they took necessary actions in covering up their crimes.

Let's say a lady catches her husband cheating with another woman, generally she'll believe the other woman's karma is waiting for her cause she'll marry a husband who'll also cheat on her, while this belief creates temporary comfort, this lady's husband cheated on her not because his wife had previously had an affair with someone's else's husband but because he wanted to.

My point is, karma is purely physical and has no spiritual backing, it is not a deity's punishment or the way the universe rewards evil deeds . For every actions there is a consequence but these consequences aren't punishment for bad things as most people believe, infact the karma are the things we do and not the results we get from those things.


Thank you for reading.

