Sometimes we find ourselves deep in thoughts, wondering if we've done enough to make ourself seem worthy to others. We try to make ourselves worthy through our education, career, marriage, children, appearance and the material things we possess and often feel very empty when we lack in one of the aspects we think we need to validate our existence, this emptiness goes as far as making us hate ourselves and even leads to depression.
Other times, we go into mental competitions and even living someone else's life so we can get as much validation from others as we think that person gets. This not only makes us unsatisfied with ourselves but also beats our self esteem to the lowest point it can ever get.
You need to understand that the common fact that you are alive validates your existence and that is all you need. You don't need to have a doctorate degree, you don't need to be married, you don't need to drive a Ferrari to feel worthy.
The only validation you need to make you complete is yours, no one outside yourself will be satisfied with the things you can and have achieved except you and you don't need anyone's approval of your existence or worth.
Remember to always speak positive words to yourself, know that there's only a limit to the satisfaction you can get from material things and the worldly standards of achievement. The only opinion that matters in your life is the opinion you give to yourself.