Un saludo cariñoso para todos mis amigos de hive !hoy me quiero unir a la iniciativa de @jorgelist .En donde recordamos nuestros personajes favoritos y películas favoritas de disney.
Princesa favorita de Disney /Disney favorite princess
She is a beautiful princess, brave, self-sufficient, and does not focus on marriage. Also, she does not fit the expectations of a Chinese girl of the time: elegant, discreet, and quiet. She leaves us a beautiful teaching is that she despite being a woman dressed as a man; she in the end she achieves the same goals and challenges of a warrior. Something that, little by little, society has fought for; equality between men and women.

Príncipe favorito de Disney /Disney's favorite prince
Flynn Rider is personable, charming, silly, brilliant, and cunning. He is not always in a position of power as he came from poverty to become prince

Villana favorita /Favorite villain
Ursula is a very dark and sinister villain with a twisted sense of humor. She is very manipulative and has a great talent for persuading victims of her. Despite using contracts to get her way, Úrsula has little respect for her part of her deal. She cheats to get her way, and she doesn't respect her own rules at all. Úrsula is very fake, and she is unable to show any real emotion
Villano favorito /Favorite villain
Gastón is a self-centered, conceited, rude, brute and arrogant man, but he is admired and loved by the people of the village, with the exception of a girl with whom he is obsessed: Bella.
Frases de algún personaje
Película que no te cansarías de ver/Movie that you would not get tired of seeing
Tangled is a movie that I have already seen millions of, but every time I have the opportunity to see it again I see it again why I love it and I love all the songs.
Personaje Favorito/Favorite character
Minnie is elegant, cheerful and feminine. She is full of love and affection, she is sweet to almost everyone she meets, and she can normally see beauty in most things.
Escena que te hace llora /Scene that makes you cry
The movie up in the scene where Carl Fredricksen remembers all the moments he lived with his wife