Hey, my community people. Welcome back to another blog. Hope you all are doing well.
So, today's topic is How do you meditate?
_Seems something interesting right. So, nowadays almost everyone does meditation. Sitting somewhere and focusing on one thing is not just one way to meditate. Nowadays there are so many ways to meditate. _
Some people do Zen Meditation, Dance meditation, breath meditation, and love meditation, and everyone does it for relaxation, and focus, to eliminate anger and frustration from life, and for a happy mind.
I do **Art Meditation. **Art keeps me calm and focused and helps me to keep patience. It relaxes me whenever I feel negative. I do doodles and colorful artworks as a meditation. But for this process, I never pick any kind of big artwork and I never force myself to complete it in a day or as soon as possible. I totally enjoy it.
Anyone can start with an art meditation. You can scribble, play with lines, and go for some abstract art or create any zig-zag lines or similar patterns. You don't have to be good at the art to practice art meditation. It is just your interest in it.
**Time for some Process pictures with the final result. **
_This doodle Is inspired by fishes in the water. I have used a very easy draw. Just a play of lines and a basic henna pattern. _
Hope you enjoyed this artwork. see you in the next post.