Financial Education is the mother of all Education.

in GEMS5 years ago

There are knowledge you may never find inside textbooks or your notes. They are thought either by word of mouth from experienced teacher/mentor or you encounter the phase yourself.

Few days ago, a long time of mine hooked up with me via Facebook messenger. We talked for a while, and he decided to invite me over for a business presentation on Zoom (guess that is another opportunity to meet or lure an investor to during this Covid-19 era). That will be a talk for another blogpost.

While I was paying a rapt attention at what he was discussing, I got some few points I will like to share with my readers today.

A university degree at best will cater for your immediate family but you can’t build an asset from that.

Actually, my friend seem like a pretty good marketer with his presentation and all but he was introducing me to Multi-Level Marketing (MLM).
Only if the dude knew he was talking to a badass marketer, haha 😂
But I tried as much as possible to learn from everyone and everything. So I had to put down my ears.

Picture Source

There are several approaches to education but the most important is Financial Education. While other education may not seem important to this blogpost, Financial Education is the world leading approach to being Financially independent.

Ideally, the approach/cycle is stereotyped - go to college, get a degree and start a white collar job. As we advance in both age and technology, we are coming to terms with our understanding that most successful people never wanted to work for someone.

And that is the big truth, most successful people in the world built a system for people to use not building the system for someone else.

Mark, Bill, Jeff, name them, they built a working system where people can apply their college degrees and earn a peanut daily (anyway some people prefer an average lifestyle though). But the most successful people are not the smartest but those who seek financial education and built a system.

So how can one acquire Financial Education. Note that, this are not your causal qualifications from school. Although, most schools have started shaping their curriculum around most of these skills. When you check the market trends, most of these skills are highly recommended for any person who decide to turn their financial status around.

Few of the skills are Data Science, Programming, Digital Marketing, Product Management, Web Dev (Frontend/Backend Dev) and so on. These category of people are taking the world market by its horn!