How to make a delicious eggplant lasagna?
¿Cómo hacer un pasticho de berenjenas delicioso?

First of all, I decided to cook with vegetables instead of meat because I assume myself within the ethical position of veganism, a beautiful movement that seeks to avoid all kinds of animal abuse, including removing them from our plates. Therefore, all my food publications will always be free of animal cruelty.

4 berenjenas medianas
Para la salsa bechamel
1 cebolla pequeña
3 dientes de ajo
1 rama de cebollín
1/2 pimentón
3 cucharadas de margarina vegetal
5 cucharadas de harina de trigo o almidón de maíz
1 taza y media de leche vegetal o agua. En este caso se utilizó leche de almendras
1 cucharadita de nuez mozcada
1 pizca de pimienta
Sal al gusto
Para la salsa de tomate
3 tomates maduros
1/2 pimentón rojo
3 dientes de ajo
1 cebolla pequeña
1 cucharada de aceite vegetal
1 pizca de pimienta
1 pizca de orégano
1 taza de agua
150 g de soya texturizada
Sal al gusto
4 medium eggplants
For the bechamel sauce
1 small onion
3 garlic cloves
1 chive branch
1/2 fresh red paprika fruit
3 tablespoons of vegetable margarine
5 tablespoons of wheat flour or cornstarch
1 and 1/2 cups of vegetable milk or water. In this case, I used almond milk
1 teaspoonful of nutmeg
1 pinch of pepper
Salt to taste
For the tomato sauce
3 ripe tomatoes
1/2 fresh red paprika fruit
3 garlic cloves
1 small onion
1 tablespoon of vegetable oil
1 pinch of pepper
1 pinch of oregano
1 cup of water
150 g of textured soybeans
Salt to taste
Rebanar las berenjenas en rodajas finas, colocarlas en un bol con sal para reducir el exceso de agua, y luego cocinarlas a la plancha para que se tuesten un poco.
Slice the eggplants into thin slices, place them in a bowl with salt to reduce excess water, and then cook them on the grill to roast them slightly.

Para hacer la salsa bechamel, se cortan los aliños en cuadritos pequeños y se sofríen en la margarina vegetal. Una vez que se doren, se coloca la harina de trigo o el almidón de maíz hasta formar una pasta, y se le va agregando la leche vegetal o el agua, revolviendo constantemente hasta conseguir la consistencia deseada. Luego se le añade la sal, la pimienta y la nuez mozcada.
To make the bechamel sauce, cut the vegetables into small squares and fry in the vegetable margarine. Once they are browned, put the wheat flour or cornstarch until it forms a paste, and add the vegetable milk or water, stirring constantly until the desired consistency is achieved. Then add the salt, pepper and nutmeg.
Para hacer la salsa de tomate, se corta el pimentón, el ajo y la cebolla y se sofríen con aceite. El tomate se licua o tritura con el agua hasta hacer una salsa, y se le agrega a los aliños una vez dorados. Se le añaden la sal, la pimienta, el orégano, y se deja cocinando a fuego lento unos minutos. Al final se le añade la soya texturizada (no es necesario hidratarla previamente porque ésta absorbe el jugo de la salsa). Se debe cocinar hasta que la soya se ablande, pero si queda muy seca la salsa, se puede agregar más agua al gusto.
To make the tomato sauce, cut the fresh red paprika fruit, garlic and onion and fry in oil. Crush the tomato with the water until making a sauce, and add it to the vegetables once browned. Add the salt, pepper, oregano, and leave to cook over low heat for a few minutes. At the end add the textured soybeans (it is not necessary to previously hydrate it because it absorbs the juice of the sauce). It should be cooked until the textured soybeans are softened, but if the sauce is too dry, you can add more water to taste.
Armado del pasticho de berenjena
Engrasar el molde con aceite o margarina vegetal. Para armarlo colocar las capas en el siguiente orden:
Capa de berenjenas
Capa de salsa de tomate
Capa de salsa Bechamel
Repetir hasta que se acaben los ingredientes o que se llegue al tope del molde. Si se desea o se tiene, se puede colocar un queso vegetal que gratine en la última capa. En este caso el tope fue con salsa bechamel.
Assembling the eggplant lasagna
Grease the mold with vegetable oil or margarine. To assemble it, place the layers in the following order:
Eggplant layer
Tomato sauce layer
Bechamel sauce layer
Repeat until the ingredients run out or the top of the mold is reached. If you want or have it, you can place a vegetable cheese that gratins in the last layer. In this case, the top was with bechamel sauce.
I hope you liked it and that you try to do it at home.

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Hi @maruvalerio. Nice Cookbook challenge. I have added your recipe entry to the Cookbook Challenge room at the Terminal.
Thanks for sharing. It looks delicious.
Thanks! soon i'll be publishing the recipe for this week cookbook challenge. Will be a surprise
That looks delicious! I am tagging @carolynstahl because I want her to see this great recipe, too! She has professional experience in the kitchen, and is a vegan, too! 🙂
Thank you! it was delicious. Awesome, we need more people making vegan food around the world