Una Luna para la noche / A Moon for the night

in GEMS12 hours ago

El sol está inquieto
y decide bajar del cielo,
se posa sobre el césped seco
y toma un rastrillo de color bello.
Lo levanta sin afán,
y en el cielo lo frota con habilidad,
un gran agujero hace sin pensar,
no le importa el cielo dañar.

The sun is restless
and decides to come down from the sky,
it lands on the dry grass
and picks up a beautifully colored rake.
He lifts it without eagerness,
and rubs the sky with skill,
he makes a big hole without thinking,
he doesn't care about damaging the sky.


Hace un agujero muy grande,
tan grande que por ahí cabe,
se va por el hueco sin preocuparse
y por ese lugar entra un ser azabache.
Es la noche sin luna,
que salió de la oscuridad absoluta,
el sol regresa, esto no le gusta
y quiere que la noche se vaya por la abertura.

It makes a very big hole,
so big that it fits through there,
it goes through the hole without worrying
and through that place enters a jet being.
It is the moonless night,
that came out of the absolute darkness,
the sun returns, it doesn't like it
and wants the night to leave through the opening.


Pero la noche, no quiere regresar,
le gusta la luz, no la oscuridad,
el sol intenta que se vaya ya,
es imposible que se marche del lugar.
Entonces, el sol va a buscar,
una Luna, para regalar,
se la entrega a la noche sin titubear, así llevará la luz a todo lugar.

But the night, it doesn't want to come back,
it likes the light, not the dark,
the sun tries to make it go away,
it's impossible for it to leave the place.
So, the sun goes to look for
a moon, to give away,
it gives it to the night without hesitation, so it will take the light everywhere.


Stopmotion y cuento original de Margarita Palomino.
Colombia, septiembre del 2024


Very nice work as always here's a small tip 👍🏾 @tipu curate

That is such a cute motion picture short clip. I wonder how you do it.
I think you should take many photos for each clip isn't it?


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