Un original caracol / An original snail

in GEMS20 days ago

Hay caracoles extraños
y este es amarillo claro,
su casa es un galleton atezado,
y sus ojos son marrón claro.

Camina sin rumbo fijo,
quizás está buscando a sus amigos,
un caracol bonito,
con un caparazón primitivo.

There are strange snails,
and this one is light yellow,
its house is a dark cookie,
and its eyes are light brown.

He walks aimlessly,
perhaps he is looking for his friends,
a beautiful snail,
with a primitive shell.


Mientras camina contento,
se desprende la galleta sin argumento,
el caracol asombrado permanece quieto,
no sabe que hará sin su caparazón negro.

La galleta se pierde, no se va más
y el caracol debe su camino continuar,
arrastrando se va
hasta que llega a un mejor lugar.

As he walks along happily,
the cookie comes off without argument,
the astonished snail remains still, he
doesn't know what he will do without his black shell.

The cookie is lost, it doesn't leave anymore
and the snail must continue on its way,
dragging itself
until it reaches a better place.


En este sitio el agraciado animal,
halla moldes de formas sin igual,
uno de manzana le gusta más
y en este se guarda, seguro aquí estará.

Aquel caracol que perdió su caparazón,
encuentra una forma que lo hace ver mejor,
ahora camina sin restricción,
dentro de un molde de única dimensión.

In this place the graceful animal
finds molds of unparalleled shapes,
he likes an apple mold the best
and in this one he keeps it, for sure it will be here.

That snail that lost its shell,
finds a form that makes it see better,
now it walks without restriction,
inside a mold of unique dimension.


Algunas veces ocurren situaciones,
que te dejan asombrado y sin soluciones,
pero, podrás buscar opciones,
para solucionar sin presiones.

Sometimes situations occur
that leave you astonished and without solutions,
but you will be able to look for options
to solve them without pressure.


Stopmotion y cuento original de Margarita Palomino.
Colombia, enero de 2025