Miedo al agua / Fear of water

in GEMS8 months ago

Había una vez,
un ganso chamuel,
se acostaba a las tres
para levantarse a las seis
y desayunar pan con café.

Chamuel vivía junto al estanque,
no nadaba, bien no lo hace,
temía ahogarse
y solo miraba sin afanes,
admirando la belleza que ahí yace.

Once upon a time,
there was a chamuel goose,
he went to bed at three o'clock
to get up at six o'clock
and have bread and coffee for breakfast.

Chamuel lived by the pond,
he didn't swim, well he doesn't swim,
he was afraid of drowning
and only watched without worries,
admiring the beauty that lay there.


Un pez que en el lago nadaba,
se acerca y lo invita al agua,
pero Chamuel allá no se lanza
le explica que el miedo lo embarga,
se angustia de forma exagerada.

Aquel pez qué es bueno,
se va por un barco de papel hecho,
invita al ganso con respeto,
para que navegue
y venza sus miedos.

A fish swimming in the lake,
approaches and invites him into the water,
but Chamuel doesn't dive in
explains to him that fear seizes him,
it is anguished in an exaggerated way.

That fish is no good,
it leaves for a boat made of paper,
invites the goose with respect,
so that it sails
and overcome its fears.


Y el ganso en el barco se va,
navega de aquí para allá,
esto confianza le da
y se lanza
confiado a nadar.

Lo logra con habilidad,
Chamuel descubre que puede nadar,
solo necesitaba confiar
y que un amigo lo impulsara a continuar
para los miedos superar.

And the goose in the boat goes,
sails to and fro,
this confidence gives him
and sets off
confidently to swim.

He succeeds with skill,
Chamuel discovers he can swim,
he just needed to trust
and a friend to push him to continue
to overcome his fears.



Stopmotion y cuento original de Margarita Palomino.
Colombia, junio del 2024