Estoy explorando el lugar,
buscando algo especial,
la silla gigante quiero encontrar,
pero no la encuentro, no está.
Reviso el mapa,no hay nada,
solo una nube que duerme con gracia,
el punto señalado se ha extraviado
no queda nada por estos lados.
I'm exploring the place, looking for something special, the giant chair I want to find, but I can't find it, it's not there. I check the map and there's nothing, just a cloud sleeping gracefully, the marked point has gone astray there's nothing left in these parts.
Llega el gran sol,
la nube despierta, debe trabajar hoy,
se levanta con afán,
toma su maleta y se va.
Cuando ella se marcha,
deja ver la silla buscada,
no comprende nada,
pero, encontré lo que buscaba.
The great sun arrives, the cloud wakes up, she must work today, she gets up with eagerness, takes her suitcase and leaves. When the cloud departs she sees the chair she's been looking for, she doesn't understand anything, but, I found what I was looking for.
Me siento en la silla,
llegué, llegué a la cima,
el cansancio se va acumulando
y quedo dormido, en el sillón hallado.
Cuando despierto,
ya no soy yo, una nube parezco,
esta silla es extraña
transforma a todos en nubes claras.
I sit in the chair, I celebrated my arrival, I reached the top, the tiredness accumulates and I fall asleep, in the armchair I found. When I wake up, I am no longer me, I look like a cloud, this chair is strange, it transforms everyone into clear clouds.
También le ocurre al banano,
se sentó y se convirtió de inmediato,
lo mismo le pasó a una mano,
que por ahí estaba merodeando.
La silla es del cielo
convierte todo en nubarrones bellos,
siempre tienen diversos aspectos
y crea muchas sin impedimento.
It also happens to the banana tree, he sat down and turned immediately, the same thing happened to a hand, which was lurking around. The chair is from the sky turns everything into beautiful clouds, always have different aspects and creates them without hindrance.

It is so nice that you find the chair and you sit on it, that gives you more strength to chase for the clouds and see what is hiding in it, beautiful piece dear friend.