Cumpleaños #51 de mi papá / My dad's 51st birthday

in GEMS3 years ago

|| Cumpleaños #51 de mi papá / My dad's 51st birthday


Hola hivelovers espero que estén excelentes y que todo lo que están anhelando se les esté cumpliendo con la bendición de nuestro Dios. Me siento feliz al compartir este momento tan especial para mí y la familia. Pues el rey de la casa estuvo de cumpleaños ayer, gracias a Hive y a ustedes por el apoyo que dan a diario.
Hello hivelovers, I hope you are doing great and that everything you are longing for is being fulfilled with the blessing of our God. I am happy to share this special moment for me and the family. Well, the king of the house had his birthday yesterday, thanks to Hive and to you for the support you give daily.


No sé porqué pensé que 14 caía hoy día. Pero la señora me escribió desde el domingo para lo de la entrega y los últimos detalles del arreglo. Tengo fallas con el cable USB de mi cell y me toca apagarlo para que cargue bien. Menos mal que lo encendí unos minutos antes porque si no la señora estaría esperándome y yo sin saber. Pero la esperé afuera del local y todo fue un éxito. Mi papá andaba por la loma, así que lo esperé hasta que bajara y viera su obsequio. En la noche se cenó, se le picó la torta y las respectivas fotos del momento para este artículo.
don't know why I thought 14 would fall today. But the lady wrote to me since Sunday about the delivery and the last details of the repair. I have a problem with the USB cable of my cell phone and I have to turn it off to charge it properly. Good thing I turned it on a few minutes before because otherwise the lady would be waiting for me and I wouldn't know. But I waited for her outside the store and everything was a success. My dad was on the hill, so I waited for him until he came down and saw his gift. In the evening she had dinner, the cake and the respective photos of the moment for this article.


Le agradezco a mi abuelita por darle luz a este padre, aunque a veces no nos pongamos de acuerdo y nos llevemos la contraria, trato siempre en lo posible en consentirlos en sus cumpleaños. Mi mamá también se merece un premio por aguantar sus berrinches y amarguras. Pero sin ellos no seríamos lo que somos. 🤗😂
I thank my grandmother for giving light to this father, even though sometimes we disagree and get on each other's nerves, I always try as much as possible to spoil them on their birthdays. My mom also deserves an award for putting up with their tantrums and bitterness. But without them we wouldn't be who we are. 🤗😂.


También le agradezco a todos los familiares y amigos que se hicieron presentes con sus felicitaciones y deseos para mí papá. Es bueno saber que aunque uno esté lejos nos recuerdan. Mientras siga viva y tenga algo de dinero consentiré a las personas que más quiero. Y es momento de empezar a ahorrar también e ir teniendo algo propio con el favor de Dios. Gracias por leerme 😍💃
I also thank all the family and friends who were present with their congratulations and wishes for my dad. It is good to know that even though we are far away we are remembered. As long as I am alive and have some money I will spoil the people I love the most. And it's time to start saving too and go having something of my own with God's favor. Thanks for reading me 😍💃

Fotos de mi autoría


I know your Dad must be an happy man seeing his daughter made his birthday a beautiful one and it's something valuable to him. Happy birthday in arrears to him and I wish for him many more years in good health as always.

When there is money, we would treat everyone to our taste and take them to the world. Until then, we need to keep working and saving for such days to come.