Un cordial saludo a esta hermosa comunidad de hive, hoy en mi trabajo me llevaron una moto xtz 125cc marca YAMAHA porque no prendia la moto.
A cordial greeting to this beautiful community of hive, today at work they took me a YAMAHA brand xtz 125cc motorcycle because the motorcycle did not start.
Lo primero que revise fur la bujia y la corrinte y al revisar la corriente de la bujia no tenia corriente, comence a buscar porque no tenia corriente y bajo la cola trasera para revisa el cdi que le este llegando la corriente y al ver que no le llegaba la corriente me puse a buscar el cable que no le llegaba, me puse ah seguirlo y me lo consegui cortado se habia subfatado y por eso se habia cortado.
The first thing I checked was the spark plug and the current and when checking the current from the spark plug it had no current, I started looking because it had no current and I lowered the rear tail to check the cdi that the current is reaching it and seeing that it did not The current arrived I started looking for the cable that did not reach it, I started to follow it and I got it cut off.
Una vez la enparaso el cable comence arma todo de nuevo hasta terminarlo y ya quedo bien. Espero les agrade me despido deceandole una bonita noche.
Once the cable was fixed, I started putting everything together again until I finished it and it was fine. I hope you like it, I say goodbye wishing you a beautiful night.