Shoulder pain elastic band stretches

in GEMS3 years ago (edited)

Are you feeling shoulder pain? Perhaps you got injured at the gym from lifting things over your head, or perhaps it's an overuse injury from rock climbing (I've done both). In fact I read somewhere that you can even get shoulder pain from sitting still for too long. Really there is no way around it - you will probably get shoulder pain at some stage in your life.

In my case, I was trying this really hard rock climbing move called a "dyno" - jumping from one rock to the next and grabbing a hold with my hands. Kind of like a slam dunk but while rock climbing. This was a really hard move - I tried about 50 times and failed. As a result the next day I could not lift up my arm. I would feel a sharp pain in my biceps / shoulders whenever I tried to lift it.

After that day I had no choice but to visit a physio. I work as a teacher so it is very hard to teach when you can't lift your arm - as you can imagine I have to write on the whiteboard. I saw several different physios and they all gave me different exercises. In this particular video you will need an elastic band to do the stretches. If you don't have one like I do in the video, perhaps you can use a towel - just something to pull on to get the same effect. If you do want to spend the money to get the same experience, I have found something similar on ebay:

The first stretch involves pulling the elastic band sideways, palm facing up. While you are pulling make sure you are squeezing your elbows in and shoulder blades back and down. It will feel good as you have probably not stretched like this before. Try to hold it for about 10 seconds, then slowly release. Repeat about 10 times.


Do the first stretch for about a week before starting the second stretch, as the second stretch will require your shoulders to have healed a bit as you will be lifting your arm up. If you try to do this but you are feeling pain, go back to just doing the first stretch for a while longer.

The second stretch will be pulling the elastic band up on one hand while keeping the elastic band at waist level on the other hand. This will result in the elastic band being stretched diagonally. Repeating this will strengthen your shoulders and you'll also feel a stretch just below your neck in your back. Again you can try holding each move for 10 seconds (while one hand is up high) and then release slowly. Repeat 10 times on each side.


Disclaimer: This video should not be used as medical advice. I only made it to document these moves as a reminder for myself, as I forget very quickly after seeing a physio. If you are experiencing pain, please seek professional medical help.

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I was on the phone describing these exercises to my mother just a few hours ago. (And probably doing a poor job, if I had to guess.) I just sent her a link to your video. Thank you!

wow! thanks for letting me know!

If more rock climbers would know about this, I'm sure the recovery would be faster and easier 😃

thank you very much!! do you rock climb haha

Not the way normal people do with ropes and equipment, but sometimes I like climbing rocks, even just for a little :)

oh cool! like bouldering! that's fun too :)

Reminds me I must do my exercises. I too had a shoulder injury a while back but it was totally rehabbed with exercises.

wow that's great persistence!

(now I'm recovering a whiplash after a little car accident) and my thumb sprain a few years ago, not so good, but shoulder yes, that one I made the exercises with the elastic band, day and day and day. It tended to get out of the joint and was very limiting. That's why I know my neck and thumb will be ok, I am super determined, and at least to get it better. Rehab works.