Saludo mi gente bella para desestrésame y darle mas sentido a la navidad, me ingenie hacer un muñeco de nieve, con material de reciclaje utilice cartón donde vienen los huevos, un pedazo de cartulina anaranjada, que era material descartable, gasa de colocar en las heridas, cuatro cerezas, que estaban ya para ser descartada de un adorno, pistola de silicón, tijera, pintura blanca, pega de barra, y un pincel, con estos materiales, hice El Muñeco de Nieve espero sea de su agrado les dejo las fotografías que fueron tomadas con mi celular LG.42
Greetings my beautiful people to desestrésame and give more meaning to Christmas, I managed to make a snowman, with recycling material use cardboard where the eggs come, a piece of orange cardboard, which was disposable material, gauze to place in the wounds, four cherries, which were already to be discarded from an ornament, silicone gun, scissors, white paint, glue stick, and a brush, with these materials, I made the Snowman I hope you like it I leave the pictures that were taken with my LG cell phone. 42