At least crabs are bad ass enough to hold a knife. You could also side step anyone.
Yeah I’ve always found it comical that a fish goat can exist even in imagination.
Stories make up the bulk of our lives I definitely can appreciate that.
I appreciate your thoughtful comment and sent you a follow. Thanks!
Never thought about the side-stepping. A side-stepping knife-wielding caveman. I'm good with that:)
Maybe we can hijack those boats together. The oceans will fear Stabby the Crab and The Ugly Mermaid.
Lol! I think I've always wanted to know someone named The Ugly Mermaid. Let's do it! I call Captain...Captain Stabby the Crab.
Well of course! You can’t steer a ship with hooves. You’d have to be the captain. I’d have to just flop around on the deck.
Hey I don’t mean this as a means of self promotion, but maybe if you have the time, would you consider posting in a community I’m starting? Imagine the opposite of serious, and it can be fairly short.
I’m trying to bring some fun and satire back to Hive.
You seem like a good sport and your writing is great.
I used to have a lot of really great friends in this community and I’m trying to recreate some of that silly shit again.
If you have time check it out.
Fuckery Community
Sure, I will check it out. I basically do my own thing, but I will give it a go when I have some time again.
After I spend some time learning how to steer a pirate ship.