Hola mis queridos amigos y amigas de la mejor plataforma, muy feliz vengo a contarles lo vivido el día de ayer en mi humilde hogar, pues entre mi mamá, mi esposa, mi hermana y una tía se han puesto de acuerdo para celebrar mi cumpleaños número 32.
Hello my dear friends of the best platform, I am very happy to tell you what happened yesterday in my humble home, because between my mother, my wife, my sister and an aunt have agreed to celebrate my 32nd birthday.

Yo no pretendía celebrar el cumpleaños, pues vengo de celebrar las navidades y, entre tanto licor, comida y bonches, no quise hacer más fiestas. Mi mayor sorpresa, llegar del trabajo de haber atendido no se cuantos pacientes, y encontrarme con una torta, dos botellas de licor, ricas conservas de leche, y ese amor, tan sentido de mi pequeña familia.
I did not intend to celebrate the birthday, since I had just celebrated Christmas and, between so much liquor, food and bonches, I did not want to have any more parties. My biggest surprise, coming home from work after having seen I don't know how many patients, and finding a cake, two bottles of liquor, delicious milk preserves, and that love, so heartfelt from my little family.

Mi hija brava, porque ella decía que la torta le pertenecía y que era su cumpleaños, yo le explicaba que no y se molestaba, tuve que decirle que compartiéramos, y pues, así si, mejoró la cosa, pero tuve que compartir el momento de apagar la vela con ella jejeje, de verdad que fue una noche especial, un momento mágico donde la alegría de vivir en familia, marca la diferencia del amor que se vive, se siente y se transmite en el calor de hogar. No perdamos esa esencia, de compartir cada instante junto a tus seres queridos. Me retiro, pero antes aclaro que cumplí 32 no 23 como dicen los números, eso fue parte del chalequeo de mi familia. Un Abrazo a Todos.
My daughter was very angry, because she said that the cake belonged to her and that it was her birthday, I explained to her that it was not and she got upset, I had to tell her that we should share, and well, yes, it got better, but I had to share the moment of blowing out the candle with her hehehehe, it was really a special night, a magical moment where the joy of living as a family, makes the difference of the love that is lived, felt and transmitted in the warmth of home. Let's not lose the essence of sharing every moment with your loved ones. I am retiring, but before I clarify that I turned 32 not 23 as the numbers say, that was part of the chalequeo of my family. A hug to all of you.

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