Proposal to developing a Review Platform on the Hive-blockchain (A Real Business) #2

in GEMS5 years ago (edited)

The Hive DAO is indeed a complete game changer and we hope to use it to our advantage for the community to help in developing great project on the Hive Blockchain. Indeed, having the community to support a project that has great potential to grow makes it easy for individuals with a great project idea to come forth to present them. And I am doing just that with RealityHubs.

Before going through this proposal, you should consider checking out the previous content I shared with the community related to this proposal here and here

This section of the proposal is focused on the platform description, the benefit of the platform to all the targeted audience.

Platform Description

  • Landing page: This is the page users will be greeted with when they first visit the platform. On this page, you'll find information about the platform such as; Company/Business benefit, Author’s benefit, Reader benefit, Latest reviews, and so much more.
Landing page 1.pngLanding page 2.png
Landing page 3.pngLanding page 4.png
  • Product review dashboard: This section comprises mainly of four types of review category, which includes products, hotels, restaurants, and services. This is the page where users will be able to see the complete overview of a business that falls on any of the mentioned categories. This page will show information such as; Product logo, Banner/images, product description, the total number of reviews and reviewers, total reward distributed, and so on.

  • Review compose page: This is the section where a reviewer writes their review for a product, service, hotel, or restaurant. In this section, reviewers are expected to rate the business, describe their experience, fill out a customized questionnaire (Only if specifically requested by the page or business owner), give the pro and cons they have noticed, suggestions, recommendations, and conclusion.

  • User’s profile page/dashboard: This is the page that gives a comprehensive biography of a user on the platform. On this page, you'll find reviews and comments published by the user, see wallet balance, check news feed (comprising of the post from the user or business page they follow and promoted content by business owners based on their preference), badge rank, a total number of review published, display name, profile picture and so much more.

  • Blog page: Business would have the option to publish blog/announcement/press release on the blog section. Thus allowing their reviewers to learn about new changes made on their product if any.

  • Wallet page: This is the section which will allow the users to have access to their funds, make a transfer, check transaction history as well as see a market graph of the token value.

  • Review request page: This is the section to create a new business page on the platform. The business owner will be requested to provide sufficient information that best describes their business. For example, product manufacturers will need to give the following specific kind of information; Short description of the business, logo, product type (Physical/tangible or Digital product), product name, banner, create a questionnaire, full product description, etc.

  • Category page: This page comprises of all the categories that will be present on the platform. This will include subcategories. For example; Product (physical and digital product), Hotel (Motel, hostel, tent, etc.), Restaurants (café, buffet, casual dining, family-style, etc.), and services.

  • Settings page: This section will allow a user to update their biography on their profile, as well as perform other special activity which includes; update profile picture and information, change or update password, set 2FA authentication and more

  • Badges page and list: This section shows users and ranks them according to their badges. This section is mainly to give more visibility to our community of reviewers. Badges include; Novice, Enthusiast, Senior, Master, Leader, Expert, Pro, Ultimate, Legend and Ultra-Legend.

  • Notification page: This page gives a comprehensive history of the notifications a user got. This section will distinguish all the read and unread notifications for easy access by the user.

  • Registration page: This is the page that will pop up when the sign-up button is clicked for new registration. We'll require a set of information like; Full name, username, phone number, and email address to set up a new profile.

  • Login Page: This page is for an existing user on the platform looking to log into the platform to perform various kinds of activities.

Service Benefit

We will detail all the benefits of the products and services (features) from a customer point of view. This will help understand how important the platform is to businesses, reviewers, and review searchers.

  1. Business benefits: The proposed platform has many advantages in place for all kind of business.
  • An avenue to bring businesses closer to their consumers for valuable and constructive feedback which will help them improve their businesses
  • An avenue to help businesses gain more visibility and awareness of their products and services through promotion and advert

  • An avenue to help businesses gain an edge over competitors through the valuable feedback they get from the community of reviewers.

  • An avenue to help businesses build trust and credibility from their customers or users

  • An avenue to create new and unique content for their project/product

  1. Reviewer’s benefits: While we'll provide many benefits to businesses, the reviewers also
    have a significant role to play on the platform, which comes with great benefits as detailed below:
  • Reviewers get a monetary reward for providing valuable and constructive reviews and feedback.

  • Reviewers get unique badges on the platform, which gives them more visibility on a business page.

  • Reviewers get the opportunity to develop and establish trust in a company/business.

  • Reviewers will have the opportunity to get their voices heard, which is expressed through reviews.

  • Reviewers get the opportunity to meet with other great reviewers, creating many social connections, interactions and activities.

  1. Review searchers' benefit: We have learned about the benefits of RealityHubs to both businesses and reviewers. Now, we'll detail below the benefit of the product and service to review searchers.
  • Review searchers will have express access to all types of reviews on the platform, which will help them decide on which product to buy or patronize

  • Review searchers get the opportunity to discover new business or products on the platform

Have any questions/feedback?

To the readers of this plan and proposal, just in case you have any questions or perhaps feedback, do not hesitate to use the comment section for that. I'll be sure to respond as soon as possible. You can as well send me a mail to the address "" To get in touch with me via discord server, you can send me a friend request on there with the username knowledges (Smiles' at all)#3295

Stay tuned and Chears!


This project is excellent, I would like to support it in some way, I have experience in Spanish (it is my native language) and I would like to be able to translate the platform so that it has a greater reach.

Hi there.
Thank you for your feedback. And thank you so much for wanting to support the project. When the platform is up and running we'll be in need of your skill to translate our announcements posts to Spanish as well as other languages. Please stay in touch. Chears. 💯

consider me as a translator applicant in your project. is great, here is my discord user for when you start recruiting! ceratihive#6317

This project looks pretty damn good! I hope it comes true.

Hello @wiseagent. I thank you for your feedback. The main DAO proposal will be created soon. Do consider voting on it.