The chicken was up first, hahaha.
Cool mornings calling us to do our usual activities, because my father has also retired from his job, so my family and I are returning to our hometown to Tapaktuan, South Aceh.
As usual, my father always did something in the morning and asked us to do something when we were in our hometown. Because this area of my village is a very nice and comfortable area for fishing, so we went together to fish at the port which is close to the city.
In the morning at 7.00 WIB all fishing gear had been prepared by my younger cousin who also really likes fishing activities. Equipment such as fishing rods, pulleys, hooks and bait have also been prepared. We went to the port in my father's car.
When arriving at the port, several ships were pulling over while the captain and crew were resting. You can see that there are some anglers doing these activities, and even some anglers have gotten pretty good results.
Not for long, we drew out the fishing rod and threw the ocean, while waiting for the fish to strike here, we had time to joke around with various jokes. A few moments later, a fisherman who was across from us shouted "Strikeeeee", a big fish that was grabbing his hook, but because the fishing line he was using was not too strong, it broke because the fish was very strong.
As a result, after a few hours we were here we didn't get a single big fish strike, only a few small fish strokes that shook the fishing rod we had. My father also called us to come back home and do other things, not long after we returned home.
Well, that's how it becomes a person who likes fishing as a hobby. Sometimes they get lots of big fish, sometimes only small fish, even more they come home empty-handed, aka they can't fish, hahaha. Fishing really needs more patience, let alone have to endure patience with that little brother.

Greetings One Hobby !!!
Hey! Can i join too..