3 medios de transporte que quisiera tener | 3 means of transport that I would like to have

in GEMS4 years ago

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El día de hoy participare en una iniciativa de mi amiga @carla.spain, en el que el tema se tratara,sobre “3 medios de transporte que quisiera tener” es gracioso pensar en este reto ya que me gustan las cosas que sean cómodas, divertidas y me hagan vivir nuevas experiencias.

Today I will participate in an initiative of my friend @carla.spain, in which the subject will be about "3 means of transport that I would like to have" it is funny to think about this challenge since I like things that are comfortable, fun and make me live new experiences.

Carro / Car

Este es uno de mis medios de transporte favoritos, ya que siento que es uno de los lugares en el que te sientes cómoda y en privacidad, sin tanta gente a tu alrededor, en comparación con otros medios de transporte. Aquí puedes estar compartiendo con la familia o hasta con amigos, puedes hablar privadamente, tienes la libertad de dormir, poner la música que quieras, de cantar y moverte al ritmo de la melodía sin sentir penada y vergüenza de demostrar las emociones. Además, de lo lindo que es ver por la ventana los hermosos paisajes que se presentan a mi alrededor. Por esta razón este sería uno de mis medios de transporte elegido para un día rutinario.

This is one of my favorite means of transport, since I feel that it is one of the places where you feel comfortable and in privacy, without so many people around you, compared to other means of transport. Here you can be sharing with family or even with friends, you can talk privately, you have the freedom to sleep, put on the music you want, sing and move to the rhythm of the melody without feeling sorry and ashamed of showing emotions. Also, how beautiful it is to see through the window the beautiful landscapes that are presented around me. For this reason this would be one of my chosen means of transportation for a routine day.


Yate / I already

Siempre me ha gustado tener una casa cerca de la playa con un hermoso panorama, y este medio de transporte sería uno de los que quisiera tener para ello, experimentar esa sensación de gozo al trasladarme sobre el mar y disfrutar del ambiente tan fresco y relajante con olor a mar salado sería una experiencia agradable.

I have always liked having a house near the beach with a beautiful panorama, and this means of transport would be one of those that I would like to have for it, to experience that feeling of joy when moving over the sea and enjoy the cool and relaxing environment with smell of salty sea would be a pleasant experience.


Avión y globo aerostático / Airplane and hot air balloon

A pesar de que nunca he tenido la experiencia de probar uno de estos dos medios de transporte, me gustaría hacerlo. Desde pequeña siempre he querido montarme en un avión porque sería uno de los medios más rápidos para llegar de un país a otro, adema de poder sentir que es estar sobre las nubes. Y el globo aerostático, porque deseo vivir ese momento único de estar en el cielo observando todos los hermosos colores que te ofrece la naturaleza, ya sea, lo pintoresco de un atardecer, lo brillante de un dia relajado y despejado o el brillo de un amanecer. Sería súper lindo vividlo.

Although I have never had the experience of trying one of these two modes of transport, I would like to do so. Since I was little, I have always wanted to get on a plane because it would be one of the fastest means of getting from one country to another, in addition to being able to feel that it is to be above the clouds. And the hot air balloon, because I want to live that unique moment of being in the sky observing all the beautiful colors that nature offers you, be it the picturesque of a sunset, the brightness of a relaxed and clear day or the brightness of a sunrise . It would be super nice to live it.



¡¡Nos vemos la próxima!!

Well this has been it for now, I would love for my friend @carmenortiz to have fun with this initiative. Thanks for reading this post.

See you next!!

Bueno esto ha sido todo por ahora, me encantaría que mi amiga @carmenortiz se divirtiera con esta iniciativa. Gracias por leer este post.


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