in GEMS4 years ago (edited)

Hola comunidad de Hive mi nombre es Karetxys Nieves, soy de Venezuela y tengo 23 años de edad, supe de este blog gracias a una muy buena amiga de la infancia, me interesó la información que me dió y dije ¿por qué no? y aqui estoy.

Hello Hive community my name is Karetxys Nieves, I am from Venezuela and I am 23 years old, I found out about this blog thanks to a very good childhood friend, I was interested in the information she gave me and I said why not? and here I am.


Siempre me ha gustado el maquillaje , miraba muchos tutoriales, podía pasar horas y horas observando las técnicas y trucos para un maquillaje perfecto, hasta que un día decidí poner en práctica un par de esas técnicas que tanto me la pasaba observando y ahí fue cuando me di cuenta que no podía parar, descubrí lo mucho que disfrutaba haciendolo más que mirarlo.

I have always loved makeup, I watched many tutorials, I could spend hours and hours watching the techniques and tricks for a perfect makeup until one day I decided to put into practice a couple of those techniques that I spent so much time watching and that's when I realized that I could not stop, I discovered how much I enjoyed doing it more than looking at it.


Aunque he visto tantos tutoriales de maquilladoras tan talentosas, les comento que aprendí más, gracias a los tutoriales de Mariana Zambrano y Roccibella, he llegado hasta a realizar looks que hace un tiempo no pensaba que podría.

Although I have seen so many tutorials from such talented makeup artists, I have learned more, thanks to Mariana Zambrano's and Rocibella's tutorials, I have even been able to create looks that I didn't think I would be able to a while ago.


También les comento que para complementar esto, me dedico desde hace tres años a la aplicación de pestañas por punto y es otra de las cosas que me encanta hacer.

I also tell you that to complement this, I've been doing eyelashes by point for three years and it's another thing I love to do.

Luego les estaré contando más detalles sobre mí y tips sobre maquillaje que he ido recolectando desde que me enamoré de este mundo del maquillaje, así que nos vemos pronto por este mismo canal, también pueden seguirme por mis redes y me van conociendo un poco más. INSTAGRAM

Then I will be telling you more details about me and tips about makeup that I have been collecting since I fell in love with this world of makeup, so see you soon on this same channel, you can also follow me on my networks and get to know me a little more. INSTAGRAM


Welcome karetxysnieves!
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Hello! This is @riverflows from the OCD team. We saw that you already posted your first post here in Hive! Congratulations and welcome!

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Welcome dear @karetxysnieves karetxys
Welcome to our beloved Hive blockchain and platform, Yes its happening you are a hiver or Bee as we are calling ourselves now. This is the moment to warm welcome you as a new user. And you receive this message because you used the #introduceyourself tag!

I was welcomed with good advice too when I started so here I am returning the favour. I know that Hive may seem very overwhelming right now but don't worry. After a few blog you will be a great blogger and contributor.
If you have any questions just ask your questions on any of my blog posts and I'll be more than happy to assist you with whatever questions you may have! I may know the answer. If not I will know someone who does.

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Maybe great to join the terminal in Discord and visit @heyhaveyamet to See more newcomers onboard.

Good Luck, Have fun and I wish you loads of success on here! :)

GREETZ from Holland
Theterminal discord invite

Good luck to you as the new arrival, may hive become your new life !


Que bueno que decidiste unirte, felicitaciones por este gran paso, mi consejo es que crees organización con tus posts, sigas investigando sobre la página ya que es un mundo muy grande y enriquecedor y por supuesto apoyar a los otros participantes, es un trabajo ganar-ganar, con paciencia y disciplina se logran grandes cosas!