El nuevo rey del gallinero /// The new king of the chicken coop

in GEMS11 months ago


Saludos amigos, hoy les presento el nuevo rey del gallinero, pues como les dije Stanly esta en casa de mi mamá, y este es el gallo de ella, por lo tanto el nuevo rey, es más grande que Stanly de plumaje abundante y de muy buen corazón, es amable con los más pequeños y solo come despues que todos dejan de comer.

Greetings friends, today I present to you the new king of the chicken coop, because as I told you Stanly is at my mother's house, and this is her rooster, therefore the new king is bigger than Stanly with abundant plumage and very He has a good heart, he is kind to the little ones and only eats after everyone stops eating.


Este nuevo integrante del gallinero, me ha dejado sorprendida, es muy cuidadoso, vigilante parece un caballero, con elegancia y un poco de arrogancia cuida del la manada, observa y no deja que las gallinas se alejen, y si lo hacen comienza a llamarlas de una manera muy especial, raspa la tierra y les indica que hay algo que pueden comer.

This new member of the chicken coop has surprised me, he is very careful, vigilant, he seems like a gentleman, with elegance and a little arrogance he takes care of the flock, he observes and does not let the chickens go away, and if they do, he begins to call them back. In a very special way, he scrapes the earth and tells them that there is something they can eat.



Lo que más me alegra que ha tenido total aceptación por todos los integrantes del gallinero, grandes y pequeños ha tenido buen trato y sobretodo él se ha portado muy bien.

What makes me most happy is that he has been fully accepted by all the members of the hen house, big and small, he has been treated well and, above all, he has behaved very well.



Amigos gracias por el apoyo a todas mis publicaciones, @karen16.

Fotos: 💯 % originales.
Capturadas con mi teléfono inteligente 📲
Foto, efectos.



Friends thanks for supporting all my posts, @karen16.

Photos: 💯% original.
Captured with my smartphone 📲
Photo, effect.



Manually curated by Blessed-girl
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