Ancient rites in the modern age - Flower mandala in our women's circle

in GEMS5 years ago (edited)

Most people of the modern age believe ancient traditions are extinct and are not needed any more. Their lives are therefore very bleak, they themselves are rootless and aimless. It is true that some of the old customs are outdated, but there are some very nice old traditions that are worth reviving. Before globalisation, there used to be no need for a psychologist or psychiatrist, no life coaches, but there were close family and friends ties. Life was hard, people were dependent on each other and loneliness was an almost unknown concept. Only the one who was excommunicated was lonely. While men went to pub to talk about their troubles, women talked in the spinning mill. Our folk songs were also born in such places. Now there are no spinning mills, but there are community places where we can revive old traditions. For example, a small chalet in Bodajk used by local children who do not go to school but learn at home, in family circle.


Yesterday we gathered as a circle of women in this cottage to talk free and to make a flower mandala of fragrant rose petals and meadow flowers. It was a kind of meditation, when we put the petals and leaves in different formations while we sang or just listened folksongs about love.


In our folk songs, rose as a symbol of love has a special significance.
Roses are like women.
Rose petals symbolize kindness, beauty (Venus), spikes symbolize quarrel and militancy (Mars).
Rose fragrance is for sensuality and seduction.
Withered rose petals are an analogy of aging.


The candle in the center symbolise our soul, petals around are our lives.



Finally, we asked for a blessing for all of us, then scattered the petals and the wind carried them far away, as a message to the common consciousness.


The petals have fallen into the grass so the earth will receive them again and nourish life.
Nothing is permanent, life is a big cycle.


What else happened before this beautiful ceremony? We told each other our joys and sorrows, then sang some naughty songs about guys and laughed a lot! What was it good for? We let off steam, released inner tension. If we were to do this at home, in the family, we could harm others and thus ourselves. But in this way we do no harm to anyone, we may cry, but then we laugh with relief!

I'm not normal! I'm a Humanoid!

With lots of love from Kalemandra

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