"I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith" - 2 Timothy 4 vs 7

I carried out my service at a secondary school as a computer instructor in the school's computer school and also a class/subject teacher. I was the class teacher for SSS 3 class during the session I arrived, and later became the class teacher for JSS 3 at the beginning of a new session. I taught computer studies and technical drawing in JSS 1, 2 & 3 and SSS 1 & 2. That's a total of two (2) subjects and five (5) classes. Asides that, I also assisted the school in typing and printing examination materials. It was a very hectic work I'm not going to lie.

Although, I appreciate the experience because it made me in some way learnt to multitask better. It also helped me get to understand how to relate with younger ones better. I coordinated assemlies and addressed the students some couple of time, and that strengthened my confidence in public speaking and addressing the crowd.
There's an activity called Community Development Service, commonly called by it abbreviation CDS that all corp members must partake in every once a week. That's the only off day we have as a corp member from our primary place of assignment. But sadly for me, I lived inside the school premises and sometimes after my CDS activities and I return back to my lodge, they still bring me some school task to attend to which I just had to bear with.

I was a member of the Road Safety CDS group, and later on I became the president of the CDS group, despite how I intentionally tried to stay hidden, I was stiil discovered and made a leader. I was in charge of all the CDS activities which then became an extra work load for me, in some way. But notwithstanding, I was able to pull through. There are three (3) major activities of the Road safety CDS group at my local government, you can see it below.
So we met at the loval government secretariat office on thursdays for our meetings, then we deliberate on the activity we would love carry the following week's thursday, and we did that for eight (8) months plus. There were no CDS activities during the month of March and April because of the unrest during the election.
I made some couple of friends during my NYSC program, but here are four (4) honorable mentions that words only will fail me to duly appreciate and acknowledge thier presence and the tremendous role they play in my life during my service year.
Segun (ak.a Seg_myth) is someone I refer to as my NYSC godfather. I was directed to him from the orientation camp by the Depper life corpers fellowship coordinator for him to receive me in Delta State at his place when leaving the orientation camp at Rivers State.
In case you might be wondering why I did my orientation camp at a different state other than my state of deployment. It was because the stadium in which the state use as an orientation camp for the prospective corpers was in use for an annual sports competition by the state. So they divided we the prospective corpers into three (3) groups and we were attached to neighboring state for our orientation program. And after the three (3) weeks orientation camp we then returned back to our state of deployment. So Segun was the one who received me at Delta state.
He was a corper at that moment too but he was preparing to round up in few months. He made me feel welcome and I felt at home. He give me all the necessary guidance and advice, assisted me with my documentation at the secretariat, helped in locating my primary place of assignment (PPA), and helped me settled there. He would usually check up on me to ensure I was doing okay till he concluded his service and even after he was done too. He was still around and he never stopped checking up on me. He assisted whenever I called on him. He was a father/brother figure to me during my service year and even till now.

Yeah, you must have guessed right, he's Yoruba, same tribe as mine but a different state. He wasn't just this supportive and caring to I alone. That's how he his to the all the other corp members that was posted at his school of primary assignment. He stayed back at the school he served after his service and has now become a great asset the school can't afford to loose just yet. But goodbyes are inevitable and someday he's going to leave.

The second mentioned is Ese (a.k.a Smallish). I refer her as the best gift NYSC gave me. She's a colleague of mine whom I met at my PPA. She's someone that checks all the great attribute one can ever wish for in a friend. She's a strong willed and morally disciplined lady. (This girl with her small stature challenged everybody in that school, including the CEO 😂) She actually made me committed my best to the service during my program.

She assisted me with a lot of school task and help covered my lapses. She supported and encouraged me when I needed one. She also kept me company and didn't make me feel the boredom at it peak. Although she didn't show me around town much, and her excuse was because I also didn't commit into teaching her my language (Yoruba). But I'll let it pass. In all she was a great friend I'm glad I met her. Just so know, she's from Delta state, an Urhobo lady.

Thirdly, I'd love to acknowledge Esther (a.k.a Miss. E.). I call her my NYSC mother because this lady really looked after me and took care of me like I was her son, and she was a corper like me too 😂. I met Miss. E. at the school I was posted to. She was the first and only corper the school was be having after a very long while. Shes was already half way through with her service when I arrived. Shes a godly and morally upright lady anyone will love to have as a friend.

She always checked up on me and ensured I was doing okay all the time. She will usually offer me food and sometime bring it to me without seeking my consent first. She was very much supportive too and she encouraged me always. She was good at reading my mood and can tell if I'm bothered or if something was wrong and she always had the right words to encourag and cheer me up. This lady cared a lot about me to the extent that she's specifically handed me to Ese (a.k.a Smallish), when leaving to continue looking after me 😅.

The fourth, but not the least is Philip (a.k.a Sir Philipppppppppppp), he was the second corper who was posted alongside with me to the school I served and we both lived together in the male's corpers lodge all through out the service year. He displayed maturity at its peak and we never for once had any misunderstanding. He was full of wisdom and he was well diligent in carrying out his duties. He was supportive too and he assisted me whenever I needed his help. He's someone I'd choose over and over again to live with, and I'm gald he was my second during the course of the service.

All the members of my CDS group are also great people and friends I'm glad I met. And to all the staffs of Grace Model Schools, most especially the secondary school section which was where I taught, I'm glad we all crossed path. And you'll all made my service year a memorable one.

I also can't fail to acknowledge my Local Government Inspector, in short called, LGI. She is the mother of all the corp members posted to that Local government area. She was a close mother to me during my service year and I appreciate her support and encouragement a lot.
To the staffs and my friends at Richland Academy (the school Segun (a.k.a Seg_myth) teaches, in which I also taught after my service year), I acknowledge you all too.

The one (1) year long NYSC program has come to an end and I'm grateful to God I that started it well, and he also helped me finish it well.

Hmm, man, you really made friends and learned some skills relating to soft skills, management, relationships, and public speaking. They put a lot of activities on you and you were able to make it through. It shows how strong you are.
You even taught five classes and two subjects. Omoor, bro no be small thing you do, oh. and you were in charge of typing and printing exam questions. Bro, Na you oh! No be small work you do.
Indeed. I made great friends and I learnt too. It all add up to the experience.
Well, the activities were getting tiring at some point but I just had to keep encouraging myself that I'm paying a service and it's gonna come to an end someday.
In all, it was God's grace that saw me through.
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