Are You Messing Your Own Life? There Are Signs That You Could Be Messing Your Life

in GEMS5 years ago

Are You Messing Your Own Life? There Are Signs That You Could Be Messing Your Life

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A person doesn't have to be behind bars to feel like a prisoner. Many people are prisoners of their concepts, beliefs, decisions, and ideas. So many, even very intelligent people waste the majority of their lives with bad feelings, limiting thoughts and fears of all kinds.

The following signs help you to see whether you are making your life more difficult than it actually is.

Symptom and Cause

People stand in their own way and feel trapped in traps that they have set themselves. Many have the desire for a partner but often enough that is not the real problem.

Rather, not being able to find a partner or not being able to have a permanent partnership is one of the symptoms that indicate that some things in your life have been going in the wrong direction for a long time. For many, it is hard to see that they are messing up their own lives while actually trying to do their best.

Here are few common signs that indicate that you are wasting your life and keep yourself trapped and how you can get out of this trap:

Some people do not even notice how small their comfort zone is until they realize that it is like a trap. It may be worth a few minutes to just think about it. Even small changes often achieve a real domino effect, which can make your life more beautiful, free, self-determined, and simply more worth living.

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You have no partner and often feel lonely

Some people live alone and think that's good. Most singles desperately want a partner, but on the other hand, they are terrified of getting involved in a partnership. Their beliefs are dominated by the fear of no longer being able to determine their own lives, having to sacrifice themselves, or losing themselves. Often enough, because they have experienced it in the past.

A real, loving partnership means that through a partner who is behind you, you can experience much more freedom than you will ever have on your own. Whether you give up in a partnership, lose, be oppressed, this has to do with what you have learned from your role models in terms of love and partnership.

Most of the time we do it unconsciously because we learned everything we can by looking at the big ones. But just noticing and questioning that can change a lot. Unfortunately, we don't learn that at school. But you can always make up for it and you are not better or worse with or without a partner.

You often don't know what to talk to people about

You would like to get to know someone, but what keeps you from doing so is the fear that you may be boring and do not know what to say. Apart from your job, you don't have much where you experience something. In other words, you are experiencing too little.

Would you live a little more, experience more interest in the world, and dare something new, you would have many topics to talk about. Little anecdotes about what you have recently experienced beautiful, strange, interesting, or unusual or what excited or surprised you are great small talk topics.

Everything that has to do with training and work is compulsory and therefore somehow runs automatically. But you also have to take care of fun in life, there is no deadline, no-obligation, no pressure but if you do not become active, nothing happens.

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You lack passion and enthusiasm

If you are asked what you like to do, often and passionately, you have to think about it for a long time and you will notice that maybe nothing really fills you with passion or that you, unfortunately, do the things you do passionately far too rarely. A passion does not fall from the sky - it is something that you choose and to which you devote your attention, your heart, and soul, your love.

It's not about impressing someone else or looking interesting - it's about feeling something. To have something that inspires you, that you let yourself be inspired by, that you feel alive and that you can tell others about it with this enthusiasm.
Enthusiasm is great because it keeps us young, makes us attractive, and fills us with joy - and all of this is extremely attractive and makes our lives worth living. It doesn't have to be "spectacular" - it just has to be something that you can love and that fills you with life.

You achieve your goals but you don't celebrate them

Do you know that when you work towards a specific goal for a long time, then you achieve it and then nothing happens at all? You should be happy now, hop in a circle, pat your shoulder, celebrate but somehow you don't feel it?

This always happens when the goals you have striven for were not really goals or were not your goals. It was just a concept that you fulfilled, a plan or completion of something that you think you need to do to accomplish something that in reality does not fill you with joy, pride, happiness.

You spend a lot of time thinking that you are not good enough

Do you know this thought does he sneak into you every now and then? Perhaps it only affects a few areas of life? Especially in the area of ​​partnership, this belief persists with many people, because most of us have been brought up in the spirit of the so-called performance society.

We confuse praise and recognition with love and appreciation. In the job, you can see very well what needs to be done to achieve appreciation, if only by a number in the account. But that is exactly what does not work at all in interpersonal relationships. There is no love for achievement and so many people do not feel lovable, not good enough, unable.

You don't have to do anything to be loved - you can only be loved for your own sake. And exactly that, you destroy this lovable thing about yourself through your narrowing beliefs of not being lovable. A belief is an idea that is stuck in your head, you have decided to believe this idea yourself.

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You are constantly busy meeting other people's expectations

I know dozens of people who don't live their own lives. They live the life that is expected of them, or at least they constantly try not to disappoint anyone, parents, friends, superiors, colleagues, even the neighbors, they should all not get a bad impression, think nothing wrong, not be disappointed with your performance.

You always ignore your own wishes and needs, your intuition, your inner voice. You are so busy expecting and fulfilling others' expectations that you lose control of your life and the cage gets smaller and smaller. You forgot what makes you happy, what you want, what you need.

You like to blame others

A habit that often occurs in connection with whining, it is the others who do not let you go or who are angry. You had a bad childhood, your inept or terrible parents, they messed everything up. Your nasty ex-partner who treated you so badly. Or the person who does not hear you in your longing for him. The wrong friend who takes advantage of you.

Someone criticizes you and your first reaction is justification, none of this would have happened if. These are all signs that you want others to be responsible for your destiny. You can't just leave things there and look at them. It must be someone else's fault.

Stop blaming others for what you have and don't have, what you dare and don't dare, what you can and can't do, what you feel or don't feel.

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You are caught up in wanting to be right

Do you notice how you keep saying, yes? Do you like to correct others? Do you argue with your parents more often because they have such a limited, well-established perception of the world? Do you get annoyed when you are treated unfairly? All of these are signs that the desire to be right is holding you captive.

The less you feel loved, the more you look for recognition, the less you can feel or receive it, the more you want to be recognized and if that doesn't happen or if you can't accept praise and recognition then you want to be you at least, be right, get right or justice. What you overlook is how poor you present and feel yourself. With your desire to be right, make your relationships difficult and sometimes even destructive.

You are afraid of change

Do you often live in hope? Do you hope something changes? Or are you changing it? Do you stay in your apartment because you hope that you may get to know a partner soon and if you move in with the one or all of them, the whole move was free beforehand? Do you keep your job because you hope that your boss quits before you or because you are afraid that you won't find anything better or nothing at all? Are you with a person who doesn't really suit you at all, but is still better than being alone?

All of these are clear signs that you are actively preventing change and wasting your life. Living a good, positive life means understanding that everything is constantly moving forward and moving away from what was just now.

However, it is not enough to free yourself from the past. It is also necessary to embrace the future, go against it, actively shape it and that means nothing other than welcoming change and actively shaping it. Not by preventing but by trying, doing, and daring. This is the only way to open the doors for positive growth.

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It is your life, own it

When you have recognized some of these signs for yourself, remember, you are not alone with it. We all have our issues and sometimes standstill. The most important key is awareness, it's about recognizing these traps and stopping the associated behavior patterns before they stop you.

Don't let your fears and concerns determine your life. It is your life. It is yours and you live now. There is no second chance for a good life, you can only make this life that you now own as good as possible, live it, discover what it can do, have fun, learn something, have experiences. Then you will die no matter whether you prevented or were afraid, whether you met the needs of others or not, whether you were right or not, whether you had dreams or not, we all die. But you can decide whether you will die sad and full of remorse for everything that was not or fulfilled and happy.


I thought about a quote from Jim Rohn saying "If you don't like something, change it. If you don't like where you are, move. You're not a tree". Harsh, but real and true. We are responsible for our own happiness. Finding others to blame and living in fear is easy. But it dors not lead to a meaningful life.
I found this to be a nice article, thank you for sharing.

What we have now in our lives is the result of the things and decisions we made not by anybody else. If a person has a problem with himself, he truly has a problem within.