in GEMS3 years ago

Mi Presentacion.png

Hola mi gente hermosa de Hive ,es un gusto darme a conocer mi nombre es: Juan Joa, nací en Punta De Mata, en el hermoso país de Venezuela; tengo 28 años, mi color favorito es el azul cielo, me gusta el arte (dibujo,música,cocina etc...) también el anime pero no me considero un otaku (El término otaku se emplea popularmente en Japón y en otros países y se ha convertido en sinónimo de persona con aficiones apasionadas al anime, manga o dorama.​)

Hello my beautiful people of Hive, it is a pleasure to let me know my name is: Juan Joa, I was born in Punta De Mata, in the beautiful country of Venezuela; I am 28 years old, my favorite color is sky blue, I like art (drawing, music, cooking etc ...) also anime but I do not consider myself an otaku (The term otaku is popularly used in Japan and other countries and has become synonymous with a person with passionate hobbies for anime, manga or drama.)



Provengo de una familia de descendencia asiática(china en especifico) el papa de mi abuelo era comerciante y cocinero, viajo desde Cantón (ciudad de china) a Venezuela, se caso y se estableció en maracaibo, estado zulia y allí murió. Ahora por parte de mi mama y de mi papa tengo familia española mas no tengo información al respecto (tendré que preguntarles cuando los vea), y obvio que mi sangre también es indígena venezolana por parte de ambos padres, no solo estoy orgulloso de mi bisabuelo asiático que les enseño a mi abuelo y sus hermanos como manejar un negocio y afrontar la vida; me siento realmente orgullo igualmente de mi bisabuelo por parte materno que fue llamado alguacil de un pequeño pueblo llamado(el piñal), el cual estaba bajo su cargo su nombre era Aquiles y le gustaba la música (cantaba y tocaba la guitarra).

I come from a family of Asian descent (specifically Chinese), my grandfather's father was a merchant and cook, he traveled from Canton (city of China) to Venezuela, he got married and settled in Maracaibo, Zulia state and there he died. Now on my mother's and father's side I have a Spanish family but I have no information about it (I'll have to ask them when I see them), and obviously my blood is also Venezuelan indigenous by both parents, I'm not only proud of my great-grandfather Asian who taught my grandfather and his brothers how to manage a business and face life; I feel really proud of my great-grandfather on the maternal side who was called the bailiff of a small town called (el piñal), which was under his charge his name was Achilles and he liked music (he sang and played the guitar).

![China – Página 2 – Cuaderno de retazos.jpg](

> fuente de la imagen https://www.pinterest.com.mx/pin/380343131028745124/


Les hablare un poco sobre mi madre y mi padre, son personas cariñosas, amorosas, de buenos valores y principios (aunque me perseguían con una correa cuando me portaba mal y me lanzaban lo que tuvieran a la mano jajajaja...) actualmente viven con mi hermana a la cual quiero mucho, los extraños mucho ya que no vivo con ellos pero los visito cada vez que puedo; a mi papa le encanta cocinar y mi mama odia cocinar, mi mama tiene mucha paciencia y mi papa cero paciencia. Con ellos me crié la mayor parte de mi vida y recuerdo mucho aquellas mañanas con mi mama viendo las caricaturas comiendo pan y café con leche hasta quedarme dormido y aquellos viajes con mi padre eran inolvidables los amo y espero que Dios les de larga vida, como a cada unos de los padres de cada persona que este leyendo este post.

I will tell you a little about my mother and my father, they are affectionate, loving people, with good values and principles (although they chased me with a leash when I behaved badly and they threw me whatever they saw at hand hahahaha ...) Currently they live with my sister whom I love very much, strangers a lot since I do not live with them but I visit them whenever I can; my dad loves to cook and my mom hates to cook, my mom has a lot of patience and my dad zero patience. I grew up with them for most of my life and I remember a lot those mornings with my mother watching cartoons eating bread and coffee with milk until I fell asleep and those trips with my father were unforgettable I love them and I hope God gives them a long life, like to each of the parents of each person who is reading this post.



Somos tres hermanos, mi hermana Nathaly (la cual vive con mis padres) y mi hermano Adrian el cual se caso con una gran persona llamada Sthefany la cual esta en espera de su primera hija. Somos unos hermanos muy unidos, nos amamos y nos ayudamos en las buenas y en las malas, si nos describiéramos cada uno con una palabra yo seria (el gracioso), mi hermana (la alegre), y mi hermano (el respetuoso).

We are three brothers, my sister Nathaly (who lives with my parents) and my brother Adrian who married a great person named Sthefany who is expecting his first daughter. We are very close brothers, we love each other and we help each other through thick and thin, if we described each one with a word I would be (the funny one), my sister (the cheerful one), and my brother (the respectful one).




Tengo una persona muy especial en mi vida la cual es mi hija se llama Samantha (sami) tiene tres añitos y es fruto de una relación pasada, ella vive con su madre pero trato de visitarla las veces que puedo, le gusta cantar, dibujar, y bailar; es una niña muy inteligente y extrovertida, le gusta la playa y odia obedecer y que no le den su tetero la amoooooo muchísimo y espero que Dios me permita tener muchos años de vida para verla crecer y convertirse en una mujer de Dios. El año pasado le celebramos su cumpleaños numero 3, la torta se la hice yo y es la primera torta que hice en mi vida, le encanto su cumple y me siento muy feliz por haber contribuido con su felicidad.

I have a very special person in my life, my daughter is called Samantha (Sami), she is three years old and is the result of a past relationship, she lives with her mother but I try to visit her as many times as I can, she likes to sing, draw, and dance; She is a very intelligent and outgoing girl, she likes the beach and hates to obey and not be given her bottle I love her very much and I hope that God allows me to have many years of life to see her grow up and become a woman of God. Last year we celebrated her 3rd birthday, the cake was made by me and it is the first cake I made in my life, she loved her birthday and I feel very happy for having contributed to her happiness.



Actualmente vivo con la mujer mas bella, amable, cariñosa, respetuosa, atenta que he conocido me hace muy feliz cada mañana amanecer con ella, ella conoce todo de mi hasta mis peores facetas y me sorprende que aun me ame con todos mis defectos a ambos nos gusta cantar y amamos a Dios de todo corazón, nuestra meta es tener un hogar propio y una familia bendecida; actualmente estamos viviendo alquilados y como sabemos la situación país esta muy difícil mantenerse estable (financiera-mente), gracias a dios no nos a faltado nada y tenemos salud, amor y esperanza de que todo saldrá bien.

Currently I live with the most beautiful, kind, affectionate, respectful, attentive woman I have ever met, she makes me very happy every morning, sunrise with her, she knows everything about me, even my worst facets and it surprises me that she still loves me with all my defects. we like to sing and we love God with all our heart, our goal is to have a home of our own and a blessed family; We are currently living rented and as we know the country's situation is very difficult to remain stable (financially), thank God we have not lacked anything and we have health, love and hope that everything will turn out well.


Me siento muy feliz de pertenecer a la familia de Hive y espero que me sigan para que puedan disfrutar de un excelente contenido de comida, anime y algo+.

I feel very happy to belong to the Hive family and I hope you will follow me so that you can enjoy some great content on food, anime and something +.


Agradecimiento en especial a @susamusic _ @nathy20 y @jracbless por orientarme y tenerme la suficiente paciencia y amor ..los amo..gracias HIVE.

Special thanks to @susamusic _ @ nathy20 and @jracbless for guiding me and having enough patience and love ... I love you ... thanks HIVE.

Para traducir utilice: Traductor Google
Imágenes editadas en: Canva
foto tomadas con mi teléfono lenovo A916.

Copyright @jrjoaramirez1992 All rights reserved.


Hi from Hive Juan


Yes You did it! You joined hive , a few months after the first birthday of the platform. So Hi there , it’s nice to meet you and welcome.
2021 is gonna be a great blogging year, not on the least because you decided to join!
The beginning can be daunting and the tech language sometimes is nervewrecking but believe me it do able ! No it’s not a free get rich quick sceam but you can earn if you are committed. It’s a true movement and blockchain, and I love that you decided to join us here. You will have fun blogging and vlogging I promise. And the garden will have some great tags to blog in about that hobby.
But in the beginning it’s hard and new and maybe you need help. We have amazing people here and a help discord if you need it. I love blogging, been here for three years already. But always be carefull with all your passwords, Never give those up !! I speak from experience !

There are always scams so also here so you have been warned.
I use Peakd to post to Hive, but Ecency is also a possibility. It’s a website, mobile and desktop application that improves your experience on Hive. If you are interested for Android download : https://android.ecency.com, for iOS: https://ios.ecency.com, for desktop: https://desktop.ecency.com apps that helps you to connect, and that’s what we do here !
You can also earn to promote and boost your content. Again If you are interested https://ecency.com just some extra information in this early start of your journey here! Last hive.blog is an option too.
Good luck with with hive experience and I Will See you around and may you find here what you are looking for. Just remember that all good things come in good time and never giving up is THE key to big succes on the Blockchain. Also you could join the the Terminal discord, as I said before we help there with problems or questions, for free don’t worry. Or visit @heyhaveyamet for more new arrivals, all are in the same phase that might be helpful or reassuring. Newbie exposure in the beginning very important.
Let me know if this was helpfull or if you need more help, see you in Discord
the Terminal. Here is the invite again its totally free,
Greeting from the Netherlands
@ Brittandjosie

Good luck to you as the new arrival, may hive become your new life !


Tip! https://peakd.com/hive-174578/@crosheille/so-whats-the-criteria-for-a-quality-post-how-curators-make-their-selections

hello, thanks for the support and welcome; perfect! And if I know that everything with perseverance is obtained many blessings 100% grateful.

Your post has been curated by us! Received 20.00% upvote from @opb. Do consider delegate to us to help support our project.

Do join our discord channel to give us feedback, https://discord.gg/bwb2ENt

* This bot is upvoting based on the criteria : 1. Not plagiarised, 2. Persistent previous quality posts, 3. Active engagement with other users
Do upvote this commment if you 💚 our service :)

perfect, thanks for the support ... blessings

Me encanto<3. Bienvenido<3.

gracias, jejeje cuidate mucho

¡Hola @jrjoaramirez1992! Soy @traciyork del equipo de curación de @ocd (contenido original descentralizado). Notamos que compartiste tu primera publicación aquí en Hive y te presentaste a la comunidad. ¡Felicitaciones y bienvenidos!

Hablando de comunidad, tenemos muchos diferentes aquí en la cadena de bloques, dedicados a todo tipo de intereses. Aquí hay un vínculo para que pueda verlos todos: Comunidades de Hive

Como hablas español, te recomiendo que consultes esta excelente guía y tutorial de Hive del increíble miembro de la comunidad de Hive, @victoriabsb -

Guía de Recursos Hive: Links & Tips (Actualizado) || Tutorial

Estoy seguro de que @susamusic _ @nathy20 y @jracbless seguirán guiándote, pero si tienes preguntas, no dude en ingresar al servidor de OCD Discord y haremos todo lo posible para responderlas, ¡y nuevamente bienvenido a Hive!

Hello @jrjoaramirez1992! This is @traciyork from the @ocd (Original Content Decentralized) curation team. We noticed you shared your first post here on Hive and introduced yourself to the community - congratulations and welcome!

Speaking of community, we have many different ones here on the blockchain, devoted to all kinds of interests. Here's a link so you can check them all out - Hive Communities

Since you speak Spanish, I highly recommend you check out this excellent Hive Guide and Tutorial by amazing Hive community member, @victoriabsb -

Guía de Recursos Hive: Links & Tips (Actualizado) || Tutorial

I'm sure @susamusic _ @nathy20 and @jracbless will continue to guide you, but if you have questions, feel free to hop into the OCD Discord server and we'll do our best to answer them, and again welcome to Hive!

hola... muchas gracias... de verdad!!! perfecto; tomare tus recomendaciones y de nuevo muchas gracias por el apoyo!!! bendiciones.

hello ... thank you very much ... really !!! perfect; I will take your recommendations and again thank you very much for the support !!! Blessings.