How often do you review your daily activities?

in GEMS2 years ago

Everyday, that I read the struggles of some people, I also get to read about the wins of some other people, this means that, while some people are screaming that, things don't appear to work, people still have things work for them, so I started to think that maybe, there is a need for a change of strategy sometimes.

Sometimes, re-checking to be sure that, we are crossing all out T's and dotting all our I's is a good option because by doing that, we may just find out that, there is one little mistake somewhere and something we are not doing really properly and start doing them.

Checking through our goals and our plans makes it better for us to discover if we are even driving ourselves in the appropriate path, I say this because, I have actually seen people who appear to always be busy but have nothing to show for it, so while you are busy everyday, you need to be sure that the effort is yielding reward.

I once heard a lady say, she is always having something to do every hour of the day and at night when she retires to bed, she realizes that, she has not been able to achieve as much as she should accomplish, this means she is always busy but has no tangible result, quiet a disturbing reality but it remains the reality of so many people. However, people wouldn't know that, if this is happening to them, if there is no actual review of their work hours on a daily.

The question is, how often do you review your activities and accomplishment, it is important that you do so, as that is one of the best ways for you to identify if you are actually making meaningful progress or not. Thanks for your time, it's good to meet you all.