More bussy days are coming

in GEMSlast year

Today I woke up really wanting to do little things to tidy up my space, however time went by very quickly but I was able to do certain things.

Hoy me desperté con bastante ganas de hacer cositas para ir arreglan mi espacio, sin embargo el tiempo se fue muy rápido pero pude hacer ciertas cosas.


Among the things I did was remove the curtains to wash it. These curtains came with the apartment, I haven't been able to buy my own curtains yet and something I learned as an adult is that they are very expensive.

Entre las cosas que hice fue retirar las cortinas para lavarla. Estas cortinas vinieron con el departamento, aún no he podido comprar mis propias cortinas y algo que aprendí siendo adulta es que son muy costosas.



I also tried to go and organize the room that I want to be my study and I started by looking at all the things, I went through everything I had and with each thing I grabbed I was distracted, and it was difficult for me to finish but I managed to organize to do it.

También traté de ir a ordenar la habitación que quiero que sea mi estudio y empecé por mirar todas las cosas, fui revisando todo lo que tenía y con cada cosa que agarraba me distraía, y se me dificultó terminar pero logré hacer algo.




I was supposed to do a series of things but I only ended up doing a few things, I'm also sick today, I thought I would wake up feeling better but that's not the case. And when I look at the time, I noticed that I was late to go to work. I got ready and finally I was able to make myself something to eat super quickly, some tortillas for lunch and for dinner too.

Se supone que iba a realizar una serie de cosas pero sólo terminé haciendo pocas cosas, hoy también estoy enferma, pensé que despertaría sintiéndome mejor pero no es así. Y cuando veo la hora, noté que se me hacía tarde para ir a trabajar. Me preparé y por último pude hacerme algo de comer súper rápido, unas tortillas para el almuerzo y para mí cena también.




So sorry about your health, I pray you get better and strong. You really tried to work despite that you were sick. Well-done. Please do rest to regain yourself.

Thank you queen!!! I'm doing better now, still sick but better

You are welcome☺️ Glad you are better now

Thank God you had a great and fulfilled day. May you receive strength for the days ahead.

Thank you pastor!