Truth or Lie - Wahrheit oder Lüge ?

in GEMS5 years ago

I'm giving the answer to my title right now: Lie.

Actually, I wanted to publish an article today about a few of the many corona virus conspiracy theories, but I don't want to give these storytellers the satisfaction of spreading such stupid and dangerous lies myself, because not everyone knows all of them.

Ich gebe die Antwort auf meinen Titel gleich jetzt: Lüge.

Eigentlich wollte ich heute einen Artikel über ein paar der vielen Corona Virus Verschwörungstheorien bringen, aber ich will diesen Geschichtenerzählern nicht die Genugtuung geben, selbst zum Verbreiter solcher dummen und gefährlichen Lügen zu werden, denn nicht alle sind jedem bekannt.

Truth or Lie / Wahrheit oder Lüge

So today I just want to put a few sentences with my personal opinion on several conspiracy theories between the photos of my latest sunrise at Lake Wörthersee without going into the theories themselves.

Daher möchte ich heute nur ein paar Sätze mit meiner persönlichen Meinung zu verschiedenen Theorien zwischen die Fotos von meinem letzten Sonnenaufgang am Wörthersee einbringen, ohne auf die jeweiligen Theorien selbst einzugehen.

❖ please click the image for fullsize view ❖

Who wouldn't rather hear an exciting story of evil powerful people who want to destroy the world than the boring, although sometimes frightening, truth?

Wer hört nicht lieber eine aufregende Geschichte von bösen mächtigen Menschen, welche die Welt zerstören wollen, als die langweilige, wenn auch manchmal angstmachende Wahrheit?

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You can't see or feel a virus and if I see and read news in the medium I trust that says it doesn't exist, then of course I want to believe it.

All the more I believe it when someone else officially says that these photos and videos of deaths and overcrowded hospitals are fake, because that's a doctor who said it and doctors can be trusted unconditionally.

Einen Virus kann man nicht sehen oder spüren und wenn ich im Medium meines Vertrauens Neuigkeiten sehe und lese, die sagen, dass es ihn gar nicht gibt, dann will ich das natürlich glauben.

Umso mehr glaube ich es, wenn dann jemand anderes ganz offiziell sagt, dass diese Fotos und Videos von Toten und überfüllten Krankenhäusern gar nicht echt sind, denn das ist ja ein Arzt und Ärzten kann man bedingungslos vertrauen.

❖ please click the image for fullsize view ❖

If the German government has known about this pandemic since 2012, why isn't it better prepared and causes people to die?

In addition to the risk analysis of a possible pandemic, there have been other analyzes such as a drought or other major but possible disasters, but this is likely to be spoken of only when there is a drought that the government knew about beforehand...

Wenn die deutsche Regierung schon seit 2012 von dieser Pandemie gewusst hat, warum ist sie dann nicht besser vorbereitet und lässt die Menschen sterben?

Neben der Risikoanalyse einer möglichen Pandemie gab es auch noch andere Analysen wie zum Beispiel eine Dürre oder andere große und durchaus mögliche Katastrophen, aber davon spricht man wahrscheinlich erst dann, wenn es eine Dürre gibt, von der die Regierung schon vorher gewusst hat...

❖ please click the image for fullsize view ❖

By the way, I came up with my own conspiracy theory about the virus on my walk through the forest this morning because nature is so much healthier and somehow happier than it was a few weeks ago.

Übrigens ist mir heute Morgen auf meinem Waldspaziergang am Stausee auch eine Verschwörungstheorie zu dem Virus eingefallen, weil die Natur so viel gesünder und irgendwie fröhlicher ist, als sie es vor ein paar Wochen noch war.

Begin of Fake Information

The virus was developed jointly by nature conservation organizations and distributed through their members while raising funds worldwide. The reason: people should stay at home and give nature the chance to regenerate and become healthy.

Der Virus wurde gemeinsam von Naturschutzorganisationen entwickelt und durch deren Mitglieder bei Spendensammlungen weltweit verbreitet. Grund: Die Menschen sollten zu Hause bleiben und dadurch der Natur die Chance geben, sich zu regenerieren, gesund zu werden.

End of Fake Information

Look up to the sky - do you see contrails? Take a look at the meadows and in the parks - aren't there more wild animals out there to see, or does it just seem so to me? Don't the birds sing nicer and louder than before? Or take a look at Venice - isn't the water there so clear that dolphins are now swimming in the canals?

Schaut mal nach oben - seht ihr Kondensstreifen? Schaut mal auf die Wiesen und in die Parks - sind da jetzt nicht mehr Wildtiere unterwegs, oder kommt nur mir das so vor? Zwitschern die Vögel nicht schöner und lauter als vorher? Oder schaut mal nach Venedig - ist das Wasser dort nicht so klar, dass jetzt Delphine in den Kanälen schwimmen?

Somehow I even like this theory - I mean the healing nature and not the pain and certainly not the dead, because they are real, as real as this virus.

Irgendwie gefällt mir diese Theorie sogar - ich meine die gesundende Natur und nicht die Schmerzen und schon gar nicht die Toten, denn die sind real, so real wie dieser Virus.

There were newspaper ducks at the time, but these false reports were comparatively harmless.

❖ please click the image for fullsize view ❖

These were just a few sentences that came to my mind on a few of these theories. I purposely did not want to elaborate on them or refute them based on real evidence which can be found easily.

Das waren nur ein paar Sätze, die mir zu ein paar dieser Theorien eingefallen sind. Ich wollte absichtlich nicht näher darauf eingehen oder diese anhand von echten Beweisen, die es zuhauf gibt, widerlegen.

Truth Will Triumph

When gossips' talk and traitor's scheming,
And jealous fiends on evil bent,
With basest vices unredeeming,
Brand the names of the innocent;

When hope's bright sun seems nearly setting,
The future dim and cloudy lies,
And you more tired of life are getting,
And tears of sorrow dim the eyes;

Cheer up, take courage, do not falter,
Truth will triumph by and by,
Time all evil things will alter,
Vice and wickedness must die.
- - - - -
Some men are not unlike the owl
That base, wild-eyed, nocturnal fowl,
That slays his victims in the night,
And brings his deeds not unto light.

by Colfax Burgoyne Harman

Stay at home, take care and stay healthy!
Bleibt zu Hause, passt auf und bleibt gesund!


Location / Standort: Lake Wörthersee - Teixlbucht

All photos were shot with the Canon EOS R and one of these lenses: Canon RF 24-105mm f/4 L IS USM, Canon EF 70-200mm f/4 L IS II USM, Canon EF 16-35mm 1:4 L IS USM, SIGMA 105mm 1:2,8 DG MACRO HSM, SIGMA 150-600mm F5-6.3 DG OS HSM C.

I leave all EXIF and IPTC information stored in the pictures.

If you like my photos I would appreciate an upvote, nice comment or maybe you want to share my post on your blog 😊 ... and maybe you would like to follow me, so that you never miss a post from me.

Thank you for visiting my blog,
have a nice evening,

Photos and Text: Johann Piber | All rights reserved - do not use without my permission


The birds definitely sound louder than before, that's something I noticed a month ago. Beautiful photos as always. The third photo in the post - the one with the reflections of the church steeple - is absolutely stunning!

One reason why they sound louder might be because there is not so much other noise at the moment - less cars and industry and such.

Good morning and thank you very much for your nice words, Keith, and yes, this is a beautiful church on that peninsula and makes a great photo motif when the light is right als the lake is calm to show a nice reflection 🙂

Happy Easter and stay safe and healthy 🙂


Oh, it's definitely because of reduced noise from cars and airplanes etc. I noticed this 2 or 3 weeks ago. Happy Easter to you as well.

🙂 Happy Easter 🐰

@johannpiber denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient!
@johannpiber thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !

Du hast ein Upvote von mir bekommen, diese soll die Deutsche Community unterstützen. Wenn du mich unterstützten möchtest, dann sende mir eine Delegation. Egal wie klein die Unterstützung ist, Du hilfst damit der Community. DANKE!

Dankeschön @germanbot 🙂

Bang, even on HIVE I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Sorry, no beers or deranged or trdo yet... waiting on steem-engine to make the move to HIVE...
Check the last update here

Thank you very much for rehiving my post, dear @pixresteemer, I appreciate your service 🙂 sure that critical thinking is above all. This is what I learn from our recent history.
So, I think that some of those theories is truth.

What you are saying might certainly be true, dear @zirochka, in some of the theories might be some truth, but I don't know all of them.
But the theories behind my post are all fake and everyone who wants should easily be able to find evidence, believe me.

In the past few days and weeks I have heard and seen so many of these lies that I thought I have to tell my opinion. I know this isn't my style of posting, but strange days need strange behaviour ;)
If I should be wrong and Bill Gates is really the bad guy or Angela Merkel is the bad girl who are responsible for this virus I will officially apologize, of course.

I hope you and your family are well and apart from the lockdown measures everything is alright.

Hello, Johann. Even it is not your usual style of posting, the more interesting it is, because I see something more behind photography )
Anyway, what I see about the subject. During the last days, the opinion is spread in Europe and here about that quarantine is not needed and that the rules are too strict, and there the risk is exaggerated, this can be explained not only by "conspiracy theory", but also by ordinary psychology and physiology of people that stay at home so long.
On the other hand, when I see steps that contradict each other, taken by our authorities, then I start to suspect something else is behind info we are being told.
Anyway, my family is okay, thank you! Do you work from home or on vacation?

Good morning @zirochka 🙂

I have been working at home this week, and after Easter I'm working at the office again.

I don't know about all the measures your government has made, but I think most are the same as here and in my eyes almost all of our measures here are good and they help fighting the spread of this virus. They tell us why there are measures and how the measures will be. They also tell us how long the measures should last, if everything goes as planned. They want us to believe and calm down, and I do honestly think that this is the most important thing for us: to be calm and believe that we can do this all together.

I also believe that you are right - it's also a psychological phenomena that people begin to develop theories when they stay at home for so long, but I would never tell other people things I cannot prove ... or if I do I tell them that it is fake, like I did in my post. But these people see or read something that sounds spectacular and share this sh*t without thinking.

Anyway, I hope you will outlive this bad time safely and healthily ... and Happy Easter 🙂


Happy Easter, Johann! 🥳🥚

Happy Easter
dear @zirochka

@johannpiber denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient!
@johannpiber thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !

Beautiful photos @johannpiber.
I share your views on this crazy theorys. Unfortunately many people really believe in that shit 😪.
And I like your one. I believe that this break in our normal activities is really great for nature.

Stay save and have a good evening.

Good morning and thank you so much that you like the photos, @cezary-io 🙂

That's my problem - the people believe such bullsh*t. They don't even try to ask if such theories can be true, and this is dangerous.

I do hope I won't see my theory somewhere on facebook or so 😉
One part of me hopes that our measures will last much longer to give nature the time it needs to regenerate as much as possible, but on the other hand it would be nice to go everywhere at any time again ;)

I hope you are doing well and are healthy, have a great day and happy Easter, my friend 🙂

what a brilliant post, and we are in such with our thoughts on some of these crazy theories out there

but that said I am not sure what is crazier some of the theories or the amount of people that choose to believe them

I just needed to say something that has been in my mind for quite a few days. I even had to mute a usual nice guy here on the Hive, because he doesn't stop telling and posting such sh*t.
They don't even try to do a quick research to find the truth about something they read. That's sad and that's dangerous in my eyes.

Thank you JJ, I wish you a great day, my friend 🙂

I have seen some spreading this rubbish as well, and normally I see conspiracy theories and other craziness as not a big deal, but with the virus things that they are spreading can put people at risk and are so dangerous!!!

you to have a great day and stay safe

Good morning JJ, you have a great day too 🙂

I just heard a new theory earlier about how to kill the virus, because supposedly it shouldn't like heat: if you blow hot air into your mouth with a blow dryer and inhale this air into your lung, the viruses will die 😂🙄
I think the people are so bored by now that everyone comes up with his own stupid theory, like I did yesterday 😉

I would laugh but it is sad people fall for this kind of craziness

Have a great day

Yes, you are right, it's sad that many will believe it, but just imagine getting up in the morning and before you brush your teeth you blow hot air into your mouth, just in case the virus has come over night ;)

I am sure blowinginto your mouth with a hot hair dryer can not be a good idea

hi! i am in love with the penultimate image

_ (from an old dialogue) _

...Papa! I 've seen a banana in my dream yesterday. What does it mean? (her father D-r Freid, answers)
...My babygirl... its not necessarily that bananas have to mean something; sometimes banana is just a banana!

Good morning and thank you so much for your kind comment @qwerrie 🙂

That banana dream is exactly what I mean - the truth is too boring, so there must be something exciting more, but sometimes a banana is a banana as you said, and a virus is a virus which has evolved in bats, and after many years it mutated, to be able to jump from the bat to another animal and then to humans.

Of course is is our fault, because we are taking the wild animal's habitats and are getting closer and closer to them... and so on, but a conspiracy?

Have a great day my friend and stay safe and healthy.