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RE: A Sublime Sunday

in GEMS4 years ago

Good evening Jo,

we have had a quite nice and warm day too, but for the next days they predict rain - we'll see if they are right ;)

I assume you mean Queen Victoria - a holiday on Monday is nice, but we have a holiday on Thursday, what means I'm not going to work on Friday - looong weekend 🙂

I haven't found any E's yet, but the E challenge hasn't even begun yet ;)
A real Elf would be very special, but also something somewhat like one - maybe a gnome or a troll ;)

We haven't had any new cases neither in Carinthia, but to be honest, I haven't been interested in any Corona news in the past few days. The first children are back at school and we have had the first "normal" working day today.

Wish you a very nice evening, Jo 🙂

Cheers and !BEER


Afternoon Johann, yes, it is Queen Victoria Day.I’ve heard it called by some people as the 2-4 weekend, meaning a 24 case of beer weekend for the campers. I don’t think many people would be camping on the 2 4 weekend this year as the temperature still is below seasonal.

Good you have a normal working day again and children back to school.

The news can be depressing with all that’s on there is the statistics on the pandemic.

Have a pleasant evening. 😊

Good afternoon Jo,

you mean 24 beer per person for the weekend? Nice but not too much when I remember my best times 🍻 😆

Yes, somehow it's good, but somehow strange - I think it will take some time until we will be used of this new "normal" situation again.

It's not cold here, but it has begun to rain in the afternoon what means, the weather forecast was right :(

I wish you a very nice afternoon and evening too 🙂

Cheers and !BEER

Haha Johann, I'm not sure if the 24 case of beer was for only one person.

If I drank 24 beer over a weekend I would be comatose.🙃 2 beer is about my limit for an occasion.🍻

I haven't been drinking any alcohol for a few years now, so even 2 !BEER would probably get me into hospital now ;) lol
But 24 beer on a weekend with friends wouldn't have been much when I was young 🙄

I've never been able to drink much alcohol at any age but I have known a lot of drinkers who could down 24 beer in a weekend.

Is it a personal choice to not drink or did you start having health problems like the gout or something else from it?

Have a good night dear Johann.😊

In the army I have learned drinking - there we got the !BEER very cheap and we drank probably too much ;) lol

No, no health problems, just drinking too often too much ;) - so one day I just said to myself I want to try a few weeks without drinking beer, and these few weeks have become years without any alcohol.
I have lost about 15 kilograms within the first year, but I have to say that at the same time I also have started walking and hiking more than before.

Hope you have a very good day, Jo 🙂

Good morning Johann but I think it’s closer to noon for you.

That’s great that you could make up your mind and just do it. Now you won’t have a beer belly either. 😁

Cool night here but sun shining this morning and birds are chirping happily.

Enjoy your day! 😊