It's all so unreal / Es ist alles so unwirklich

in GEMS5 years ago

Day 5 of the Covid-19 / Corona virus measures in Austria ...

Tag 5 der Covid-19 / Coronavirus Maßnahmen in Österreich ...

Unreal ... Unwirklich
Covid-19 measures - day 5

Although this is my first post after the hardfork on the new Blockchain Hive and I hope that the posting via @PeakD works, I don't really want to say anything about the new Blockchain today, because I hope the questions I have will be answered in the next few days.

Obwohl das mein erster Beitrag nach der Hardfork auf der neuen Blockchain Hive ist und ich hoffe, dass das Posten über @PeakD funktioniert, möchte ich heute eigentlich noch nichts über die neue Blockchain sagen, denn ich hoffe, die Fragen, die ich habe, werden in den nächsten Tagen beantwortet.

The best Sunrise I have had last year - Vršič Pass, Slovenia

❖ please click the image for fullsize view ❖

Today is the beginning of spring and the weather was warm and beautiful. There were a lot of cars on the streets and I saw a lot of walkers at the lake - just as if it was a normal day.

Heute ist Frühlingsanfang und das Wetter war passend dazu warm und wunderschön. Auf den Straßen waren viele Autos unterwegs und am See habe ich viele Spaziergänger gesehen - so als ob nichts wäre.

Mist and hoarfrost at the lake - unreal scene

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All of this is so unreal - there is a dangerous enemy among us, which we cannot see, and many people do not seem to care. Perhaps the reason is that they cannot see the danger and forget.

Das Alles ist so unwirklich - da ist ein gefährlicher Feind mitten unter uns, den wir aber nicht sehen können, und viele Menschen scheint das nicht zu interessieren. Der Grund ist vielleicht, dass sie die Gefahr nicht erkennen können und vergessen.

Šunikov vodni gaj after heavy rain

❖ please click the image for fullsize view ❖

But many more people live in fear, fake postings and news are piling up on social media, fraudsters try to make money with the crisis, conspiracy theorists fuel the fears.

Aber noch viel mehr Menschen leben in Angst, falsche Postings und News häufen sich in den Sozialen Netzwerken, Betrüger versuchen mit der Krise Geld zu machen, Verschwörungstheoretiker schüren die Ängste.

This Alpine Chough is fearless, but birds can fly ;)

❖ please click the image for fullsize view ❖

The ignorant people, who often also stand together in groups, apparently forget the danger they are to other people: they may be young and healthy and the virus might make them only cough a few times, if they even notice it, but they may bring death to their parents when they visit them later on.

Was die arglosen Spaziergänger, die vielfach auch in Gruppen beieinander stehen anscheinend vergessen, ist die Gefahr, die sie für die anderen Menschen darstellen: Sie sind vielleicht jung und gesund und der Virus lässt sie nur ein paar mal husten, wenn sie ihn überhaupt bemerken, aber den Eltern, die sie später besuchen gehen, bringen sie vielleicht den Tod ins Haus.

Abyss on the Mangart Mountain

❖ please click the image for fullsize view ❖

❖ please click the image for fullsize view ❖

Stay at home, take care and stay healthy!
Bleibt zu Hause, seid vorsichtig und bleibt gesund!


All photos were shot with the Canon EOS R and one of these lenses: Canon RF 24-105mm f/4 L IS USM, Canon EF 70-200mm f/4 L IS II USM, Canon EF 16-35mm 1:4 L IS USM, SIGMA 105mm 1:2,8 DG MACRO HSM, SIGMA 150-600mm F5-6.3 DG OS HSM C.

I leave all EXIF and IPTC information stored in the pictures.

If you like my photos I would appreciate an upvote, nice comment or a resteem 😊 ... and maybe you would like to follow me, so that you never miss a post from me.

Thank you for visiting my blog,
have a nice evening,

Photos and Text: Johann Piber | All rights reserved - do not use without my permission
#originalcontent #originalworks



My first comment on hive and it is on such a beautiful post, well the photos are beautiful of course, maybe the subject of the virus not so much so, but you summed up things so well an unseen enemy is always harder to gight

Hive on my friend

Thanks JJ for letting me be the first and for your kind words :)

I miss Steemworld and of course I do miss SteemReply here ... I'm completely lost, but let's give it a try and hive on ;)

Ohh yeah I am a bit lost, and getting confused over which page I am on LOL

I am more than lost - I have just made my replies on SteemReply and wanted to make replies on, but that didn't work. So I try to reply on PeakD which might function ;)

I have just read a comment which used the word "messy", and I think this word matches the overall situation very well - I mean the situation online on the blockchains as well as the situation offline.

Have a great day my friend and take care.

Messsy seems such an apt word for so much that is going on right now

Yes, it is ;)
I just drove through our city - it's like a ghost town, I could see only a few cars and even less people.

You managed to blend the photos and story of today.
Thank you for this great post@johannpiber🤗
Stay safe and healthy ☀️

Posted using Partiko Android

You too stay safe and healthy - have a nice weekend and don't worry about the rain.Thank you very much for your kind words, @suzana72 😀

Lovely photos... the sunrise is awesome! It's great to see you here. Stay safe in these dangerous times!

Thank you very much Keith :)
Yes, this sunrise was the best I have seen last year, when the world was still in order.
Please take care yourself and stay healthy.

Beautiful photos as always @johannpiber.

Sorry to hear that people are acting so irresponsible and selfish where you are. Unfortunately it's same here. Specially young 20-30 years old. They know that it isn't dangerous for them, so they don't care about anyone else.
We just have to take care about our families and our selves to get through this nightmare.

I just tried to upvote your post but I got the message that it failed! I will try again later.

Have a good evening @johannpiber.!BEER and !COFFEEA are for you. ( hope that they will get to you in hive)

I have tried to make this comment on hive, but it doesn't work. Now I will try on steem.

Posted using Partiko Android

It did work ... thank you very much my friend ;)

Should I copy my reply from Steem? ;)

Please take care @cezary-io, your lockdown has just begun and ours has just been extended till Easter. That means it is going to get worse and people will get worse too I think.

Let's stay calm and take care on ourselves and of our families.

Congratulations!Twitter 📸 Your picture received a 100% Upvote!   📸 Make sure to give us a follow on @photofeed &

Thank you very much @photofeed - let's continue on Hive 😁

Absolutely! 😁🤘

Howdy again sir johannpiber! It will be very strange if this lockdown lasts all summer long. I think Netflix is going to have a record setting year!

This is going to be a very hard Summer for our kids when they have to stay at home. We don't have Netflix, but I think if Amazon Prime is not enough we will have to get Netflix too ;)

Stay safe and healthy my friend 🙂

Yay for Netflix! lol...who would ever think that Netflix would be such a blessing while everyone is trapped inside? I'm sure their company is growing like crazy as well as their stock share values.

I'll wait until my kids say something to me, but I won't offer it to them. At the moment they have their Playstation and Amazon Prime and they chat with their friends all day long via smartphone.

Take care and stay healthy my friend 🙂

Maybe they will never ask! I love Netflix. I just wished I would have invested in them a few years ago before they became a giant company!

Yes, I agree - I also would never have thought that such companies offering movies or music would grow that much.

Take care and stay healthy my friend 🙂

upvoted and resteemed
by the

Howdy sir johannpiber! This post was 10 days ago when the virus and measures put in place were unreal. Are you getting used to them by now?

Hm, yes, somehow after a few days you get used of empty streets and staying at home, but it is so very different from our normal life and feels wrong somehow, but we will have to live with it for quite a long time I think.

Well as long as you are not freaking out or none of your family is freaking out. Makes me wonder what we would do if we didn't have the internet!

You are right, if we didn't have the internet it would be much worse. So my children can chat with their friends and I can chat with my friends ... don't ask, I am still searching for some friends ;) lol

lol...what are we, your business associates? I think most people on here think of you as a friend sir johannpiber but don't worry, I know you were just teasing.

... and many people are real friends here 🙂