The sky was clean and empty - no clouds, no planes nor contrails, only colors were there. |
Der Himmel war sauber und leer - keine Wolken, keine Flugzeuge oder Kondensstreifen, nur Farben waren da. |
Sunset / Sonnenuntergang
Saint Ulrich / Diex . Carinthia . Austria

About two weeks ago, on the evening of the same day on which I had taken the photos of the super moon in the morning (Almost a Moon Landing / Fast eine Mondlandung), I thought that maybe I would also be lucky with the sunset. The Photographer's Ephemeris Web AppSt. Ulrich / Sun Village of Diex in the southwestern area of the Saualpe mountain range in the Lavanttal Alps. | Am Abend des selben Tages vor etwa zwei Wochen, an welchem ich in der Früh die Fotos vom Supermond gemacht hatte (Almost a Moon Landing / Fast eine Mondlandung), habe ich mir gedacht, dass ich vielleicht auch mit dem Sonnenuntergang Glück hätte. The Photographer's Ephemeris Web AppSt. Ulrich / Sonnenort Diex im südwestlichen Bereich der Saualpe in den Lavanttaler Alpen einen guten Blick auf die untergehende Sonne haben sollte. |

❖ please click the image for fullsize view ❖
Canon EOS R | EF 70-200mm f/4 L IS II USM
Haida M10 filter system with CPL and 0.9 soft grad ND filter
When I got to the place on the mountain, the view down into the valley and to the west was a little dull and hazy. The mountain ridges running across to the horizon could be seen in layers that were becoming increasingly lighter and these layers, like the sky, had already taken on a light orange color. | Als ich oben am Berg angekommen war, war der Blick ins Tal und nach Westen etwas trüb und diesig. Die bis zum Horizont quer verlaufenden Bergrücken waren in immer heller getönten Schichten zu sehen und diese Schichten hatten am Horizont wie der Himmel bereits eine leicht orange Färbung angenommen. |

❖ please click the image for fullsize view ❖
Canon EOS R | EF 70-200mm f/4 L IS II USM
Haida M10 filter system with CPL and 0.9 soft grad ND filter
I took the picture above just before the sun disappeared behind the horizon. Photoshop later merged this and 4 more differently exposed photos to the HDR image (High Dynamic Range) below. I removed the lens flares that I liked in the single image from the HDR image in Photoshop. | Das Bild oben habe ich kurz bevor die Sonne hinter dem Horizont verschwunden ist aufgenommen. Zusammen mit 4 weiteren Fotos entstand daraus das HDR Bild (High Dynamic Range) unten. Die Lensflares, die mir in dem Einzelbild gut gefallen haben, habe ich beim HDR in Photoshop digital entfernt. |
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Canon EOS R | EF 70-200mm f/4 L IS II USM
5 image HDR - Haida M10 filter system with CPL and 0.9 soft grad ND filter
And a few minutes later the sun set pretty unspectacular. The horizon behind the dark silhouettes of the mountains turned orange and there was a beautiful gradient to the deep blue sky. All in all, it was not a breathtakingly amazing sunset with fire in the sky, but because of the empty sky and the subtle yet rich color gradients, it was a wonderful evening mood on the mountain. | Und ein paar Minuten später ist die Sonne ziemlich unspektakulär untergegangen. Der Horizont hinter den dunklen Silhouetten der Berge färbte sich Orange und es gab einen schönen Farbverlauf zum tiefblauen Himmel. Alles in Allem ist das zwar kein atemberaubend aufregender Sonnenuntergang mit Feuer am Himmel gewesen, aber wegen des leeren Himmels und der subtilen und trotzdem satten Farbverläufe war es eine wunderschöne Abendstimmung am Berg. |

❖ please click the image for fullsize view ❖
Canon EOS R | EF 70-200mm f/4 L IS II USM
Haida M10 filter system with CPL and 0.9 soft grad ND filter

A sloop of amber slips away
Upon an ether sea,
And wrecks in peace a purple tar,
The son of ecstasy.
by Emily Dickinson

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Canon EOS R | EF 70-200mm f/4 L IS II USM
Haida M10 filter system with CPL and 0.9 soft grad ND filter
Für Instagram und Twitter habe ich die Fotos quadratisch zugeschnitten. |
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And last but not least, as always in these days
Stay at home, take care and stay healthy!
Bleibt zu Hause, passt auf und bleibt gesund!
Location / Standort: My Photo Location |
HDR - High Dynamic Range Image Sun Village Diex Lavanttal Alps |
HDR - High Dynamic Range Bild Sonnenort Diex Lavanttaler Alpen Saualpe |
All photos were shot with the Canon EOS R and one of these lenses: Canon RF 24-105mm f/4 L IS USM, Canon EF 70-200mm f/4 L IS II USM, Canon EF 16-35mm 1:4 L IS USM, Canon EF 50mm 1:1.8 L STM, SIGMA 105mm 1:2,8 DG MACRO HSM, SIGMA 150-600mm F5-6.3 DG OS HSM C. I leave all EXIF and IPTC information stored in the pictures. |
If you like my photos I would appreciate an upvote, nice comment or maybe you want to share my post on your blog 😊 ... and maybe you would like to follow me, so that you never miss a post from me.
Thank you so much for visiting my blog,
have a nice evening,
Photos and Text: Johann Piber | All rights reserved - do not use without my permission

[//]:# (!pinmapple 46.765743 lat 14.578938 long 20200408-Diex-Sunset d3scr)
The sunsets are glorious and I really like the first photo with the layers of the mountains showing in the background. It reminded me of a painting by one of the Group of Seven.
Such a nice compliment deserves an !invest_vote and also a !tip - thank you so much Jo 😁
The first photo is also my favorite. I like such layered mountain views even more than sunsets - I'm more of a morning person anyway ;)
Thanks Johann for your generosity. 🙂
Lawrence Harris of the Group of Seven painted many layered mountains
Good morning Jo, you are much welcome :)
I think months ago you or someone else has told me about this group of artists when I posted a similar photo, but I'm not sure who it was. It is a very nice comparison though which makes me proud, but not too proud 😉
I hope you have a good day and the weather is nice enough to make a walk or work outside to forget what's going on in the world.
Morning Johann. It probably was me that mentioned the Group of Seven before.
Yesterday was nice weather and I was able to stay outside quite awhile. I raked around my little flower garden and I saw some plants peeking up from the soil. The catnip plant had some green leaves I was able to bring in a couple little leaves for the cats, Sunday & Red.
Terrible enough the people dying from the world-wide virus pandemic but the details about the shooting rampage in Nova Scotia has been ongoing on TV. It’s very upsetting to think 22 people needlessly lost their lives. No one has figured out why. The shooter knew some of the people but other killings were thought to be random acts.
Hubby and I drive by the area where the shooter carried out his killing spree when we visit my sister in Nova Scotia.
Be safe and take special care with all this uncertainty in the world.
Good morning Jo,
I also think it was you :)
Our weather is nice too with lots of sunshine, but it is quite cold, at least in the shadows. Our cat loved to smell the catnip too.
I wonder what such people think, probably nothing we could understand. I feel sorry for the people who lost their lifes and for their families which have lost somebody they loved, needlessly, as you say.
You take care too, stay safe and healthy.
Digital Pinhole Camera Experiment #2@johannpiber wrote lately about: Feel free to follow @johannpiber if you like it :)
Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide.
🎁 Hi @redheadpei! You have received 0.1 HIVE tip from @johannpiber!@johannpiber denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient!@johannpiber thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !
Not very often you photograph sunset.Beautiful photos, as always @johannpiber.
Have a great evening. Still no !BEER or !COFFEEA
Here on hive 😪
That's true, I don't shoot many sunsets - I'm more of a morning person 😉
Thank you very much that you like the photos @cezary-io, I appreciate your kind words.
Have a great day and no, there is still no !BEER and no !COFFEEA on the Hive 😭
@johannpiber denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient!@johannpiber thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !
Congratulations, your post has been added to Pinmapple! 🎉🥳🍍
Did you know every user has their own profile map?
And so does every post as well!
Want to have your post on the map too?
Du hast ein Upvote von mir bekommen, diese soll die Deutsche Community unterstützen. Wenn du mich unterstützten möchtest, dann sende mir eine Delegation. Egal wie klein die Unterstützung ist, Du hilfst damit der Community. DANKE!
Sorry, no !BEER yet 🍻
The flares are great :)
Sometimes they are distracting or just in the way, but when they are like these I like them. In the HDR the flares didn't look good though.
Thank you so much Ross 😄
I hope you're well and you take care of yourself.
I didn't know that about HDR. I haven't used that much.
Thanks, You :)
I don't use it often neither - I prefer to make one shot for an image ;)
you got some great shots that day
and you to stay safely friend
Thank you very much JJ - that day was a good day, because everything went right 🙂
its always nice when everything falls into place on a day I hope today is a good one for you
Today was nice but cold - I washed my motorbike, because it was yellow from the pollen instead of black and then I have been riding the whole afternoon. Now I'm frozen and my butt hurts ;)
Hope your day was nice too.
they pollen gets to me this days I had no allergies neither did my wife, but since moving here we both are affected by them, is cooler here as well it should be warming up by now
We have a friend who is allergic too, not very bad though, but it's very annoying for him.
The next days should be very nice and the weekend rainy, but the temperatures will go up, they say.
I just got an alert for NYC they're on Tornado watch, lets hope none touch down, here its just pouring down
Awesome images. Beautiful shots. Breathtaking views. Great job!
Good morning Vincent, thank you so much for the nice words 🙂
I wish you the best and a great day.
You are welcome. Just telling it as it is. 😊
I wish you a great day too.
Nice sunset photography.