¿How would you make Hive a better place? ¿Cómo harías de Hive un lugar mejor? Tag de las preguntas

in GEMS3 years ago (edited)

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Como están mis apasionados amigos de esta espléndida comunidad ¨Gems¨ Hoy mientras visitaba nuestra comunidad me cruce con el post de nuestra amiga @gwenfinity y vi que está participando en una de las tantas iniciativas que hay en nuestra comunidad

How are my passionate friends from this splendid community ¨Gems¨ Today while visiting our community I came across the post of our friend @gwenfinity and I saw that she is participating in one of the many initiatives out there in our community

Para ser honesto, me encantaron las preguntas que estaba respondiendo nuestra amiga, y fue lo que me motivo hacer el video del ¨tag de la preguntas y respuestas¨ que habitualmente hacemos con mi esposa utilizando estas preguntas

To be honest, I loved the questions our friend was answering, and that was what motivated me to make the video of the "question and answer tag" that we usually do with my wife using these questions

Estas son las cosas que me gustan de nuestra comunidad de ¨Gems¨, la gran cantidad de desafíos que hay para participar, y que te permiten dar a conocer diferentes aspectos de nuestras personalidad; Además de fortalecer el vínculo con las personas que amas

These are the things that I like about our community of ¨Gems¨, the large number of challenges that there are to participate, and that allow you to show different aspects of our personality; In addition to strengthening the bond with the people you love

Quiero agradecer a toda la comunidad por permitirnos alojar nuestros videos aquí, y por el gran apoyo que brindan a mis post; Como pueden leer, las preguntas son muy interesantes; Si deseas conocer mis respuestas tienes que ingresar al video

Álbum Familiar. Creado en PowerPoint

I want to thank the entire community for allowing us to host our videos here, and for the great support they provide to my posts; As you can read, the questions are very interesting; If you want to know my answers you have to enter the video


Source:  vimeo-free-videos

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#posh compartido en mis redes sociales

Hello friend, hope all is well?

The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the person sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at https://hiveposh.com.

I am constantly trying to make regular interaction with others. You can often find me in the top 10 of the engagement league. But I see a lot of authors with little to no interaction. Even with popular posts. And it is even worse when people do not reply to the comments under their own posts. I think that the mutual support and the co-operation between the users would be the key for the social network of the Hive blockchain to thrive.

I know your level of commitment, you are a person who comments a lot daily.
Of these that you say I speak in the video, of the interaction between the people through the comments.
Thank you very much for this valuable contribution to my post
I wish you a great day. Enjoy it a lotHello dear friend @xplosive good day

It's interesting what she is saying!Good morning @jlufer.

I appreciate with all my heart the great support you give me
I wish you a beautiful nightThank you very much dear friend @silversaver888 for appreciating my video

I am always here to support you!

@Jlufer thank for sharing it. !PIZZA

I wish you a beautiful afternoonthank you dear friend @callmemaungthan for the support you give me

Saludos @ jlufer , buen post con tu acostumbrado estilo natural, en esta ocasión , hablando de compromiso, involucraste a tu Mujer (como dicen ustedes en argentina), en Venezuela diríamos tu sra, jajaja...Bien por lo del compromiso de todos...Seguro estoy que pronto publicaras otro video, o con tu nieta o con tu sra.

Muchas gracias por apreciar mi video, eres muy gentilHola querido amigo @lopez0611 buenas tardes

Dependiendo del estado varia la forma de nombrarlas, si estamos casados la llamamos, mi esposa o mi Sra; Si la relacion es de convivencia las decimos mi mujer

Aprecio de todo corazón el apoyo que me brindas.
Te deseo una hermosa tarde. Que lo disfrutes mucho

Que lindo video, fue un gusto verlo, escucharlo y también oir la voz de su esposa y de los pajaritos que le hicieron coro.

Gracias por compartir su experiencia y parte de su vida. Le envío un abrazo fuerte @jlufer

Feliz de que mi video haya sido de tu agrado
Te deseo una hermosa noche y un merecido descansoMuchas gracias querida amiga @soyunasantacruz por este hermoso comentario

Dont know if you remember me from past but we used to connect sometimes in post comments.
singature_small_avatar.pngHi @jlufer. I have returned after a gap of almost 4 years to social media due to a personal tragedy and am finding Hive a new and unknown place. However, in what little I have seen of it in the past few days, I find that the communities are vibrant, caring and really original content oriented. Especially the GEMS community as you mention and also some special communities like Feathered Friends that I try to post in because of my passion for wildlife photography.

How are you dear friend @ vm2904 good afternoon
I am very sorry for what you have had to go through and you will stay away from social networks.
If Hive is very different, it changes for the better, as you mentioned, the big difference is in the communities
Good that you are back. I wish you many successes, I have no doubt that you will