I started the job managing the beach resort a little outside of Accra at the beginning of July. A couple of weeks after starting I started working on the farm project near by in the evenings when I had time.
Here is a little time laps of photos taken from a similar angle over the last 6 weeks. I am now intentionally trying to take the same photo each day to make a more extended time lapse.
This is the only photo I have before digging. It is from the wrong angle though as it is looking back towards the photo position I will be shooting from now on.
First day of digging.
The First Swale reaching all the way across the feild.
First beds completed and planted with seedlings.
A couple more beds int he works and mulching going down in the swale.
First bags of wood chips going down.
Completed swales and beds on the first level and looks like some digging has started on the far end below the swale.
Over 10 days went by and I did not shoot a picture at this angle and a lot of things changed. The plants grew, the seedling bed got a sun shade, and a whole other section of rows popped up below the swale.
Another week went buy and more progress. The supports for the tomatoes, and all the weeds starting to grow in the distance.
Everything looking very clean here. Growth on the plants is starting to get very noticeable.
Just last week after I brought another truck load of sawdust bags. I did another bed and all the pathways.
The pawpaw trees are really starting to grow on the swale.
You can see I had started chipping away at the next section below the second swale.
Yesterday after all the rains a little bit of blue sky before some more rain in the afternoon.
Just this morning.
I was happy to see everything working well.
Hey Asshole this is my content why don't you try to write some of your own. You will be reported to hive watchers and I will be doing a post about this too. Worthless scum who cant even be original enough to do your own work. Don't worry I will spam this on every one of your posts.