Amada madre...
Sé que nunca voy a poder quererte como tú me quieres a mí. Eso es imposible. También se que ni las palabras ni todos los millones de regalos que puedan existir en este mundo serán suficientes para demostrar todo mi amor que tengo hacia ti. Que la vida entera no me alcanzaría para dedicartela, y que un día quizás no parezca mucho. Pero creo que hoy es una buena oportunidad para decirte lo mucho que valoro que siempre hayas estado y cuanto agradezco que sigas conmigo, debido a que fuistes la primera persona en darme un beso, que tubo la paciencia de enseñarme cosas tan simples como caminar o comer; y acciones tan grande como amar de manera incondicional.
Por estar conmigo en cada etapa, por entregar tú vida para forjar la mía, por tus esfuerzos diarios, por tus cuidados, tus apapachos, tus regaños, tus besos y tú amor.
Hoy te prometo mi amada madre que no te voy a fallar, que nunca permitiré que nada te falte y que voy a cuidar de ti, como tú siempre has cuidado de mí. FELIZ DÍA DE LA MADRE.
English Version
Beloved mother...
I know I will never be able to love you as you love me. That is impossible. I also know that neither words nor all the millions of gifts that can exist in this world will be enough to show all the love I have for you. That my whole life would not be enough to dedicate it to you, and that one day may not seem like much. But I think today is a good opportunity to tell you how much I appreciate that you have always been with me and how grateful I am that you are still with me, because you were the first person to give me a kiss, who had the patience to teach me things as simple as walking or eating; and actions as great as loving unconditionally.
For being with me at every stage, for giving your life to forge mine, for your daily efforts, for your care, your affection, your scolding, your kisses and your love.
Today I promise you my beloved mother that I will not fail you, that I will never let you lack anything and that I will take care of you, as you have always taken care of me. HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY.