Preparing a very famous recipe, I present to you: ''Los tequeños'' EN/ES

in GEMS4 years ago


Very good evening everyone at Gems today I want to share with you a delicious and popular recipe in my country.

Muy buenas noches tengan todos en Gems hoy les quiero compartir una deliciosa y popular receta en mi país.



For the dough we will simply need wheat flour, salt and water, we will mix until we have a ball of uniform consistency and that is not sticky.

Para la masa simplemente necesitaremos Harina de trigo, sal y agua, vamos a mezclar hasta tener una bola de consistencia uniforme y que no sea pegajosa.


We will stretch it and cut it into quite long rectangles which are the ones we will use to cover the cheese and give them that characteristic shape.

La estiraremos y cortaremos en rectángulos bastante largos que son los que usaremos para recubrir el queso y darles esa forma tan característica.


For the cheese we can use the one of our preference, yellow, cheddar, mozzarella or in my case semi-hard cheese.

Para el queso podemos usar el de nuestra preferencia, amarillo, cheddar, mozarella o en mi caso queso semiduro.


We are going to cut this one into medium-large rectangles and proceed to cover them with the strips of dough trying to get a spiral shape.

Este lo vamos a picar en rectángulos medianamente grandes y vamos a proceder a cubrirlos con las tiras de masa tratando de que nos quede una forma en espiral.



We make several, for a portion I calculate that it would be about 8 big tequeños to be at ease.

We fry them with any oil and enjoy them. We can accompany them with a sauce or dressing of our preference.

I hope you like it and that you replicate it at home, I say goodbye.

Hacemos varios, para una ración calculo que serian unos 8 tequeños grandes para quedar a gusto.

Los freímos con cualquier aceite y a disfrutar. podemos acompañarlos con una salsa o aderezo de nuestra preferencia.

Espero les guste y lo repliquen en su casa, me despido.



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