I Can't be all Men

in GEMS3 months ago

The human person is a conglomeration of units. Every normal human being has parts similar to each other and which has the same function everywhere in the world although different with regards the efficacy and the mode of use by individual persons.

Thus, all has eyes to see, nose to smell or perceive, the heart which controls the system with regards the pumping of blood and all of that, the legs, the hands and all the parts of the body have their respective functions which by their nature, they can be equally used by every person but is never equally used because their usage depend on the preference of the owners and by extension how they have been tamed over time.


It is on this note that I do not agree with the notion that all men are the same or that all women are the same because a given set of ladies or men have been noted to in a certain way. In philosophy, this would be classified as a fallacy of hasty generalization. It is a fallacy, because it is a conclusion from a few observations which does not include a wholisitic research of all men or all women in the world.

It is true that men and women are made differently and with different desires in life but it is also true that environmental factor contribute to furnishing a person's being such that people become more of who their environment has constrained them to be. However, there are those who are able to break away from the environmental contraisns and explore a wider world thereby building a much wider personality.

But is it true that a lot of ladies act in the same way and have same attitudes and especially towards men? Yes it is true, the majority of ladies have the same way of life and of course that is a product of their structuring. What about the men? It is also true. But the question of all men or all ladies is no.

Why no? It is because the human person is more dynamic than anything else in the world. The human person is capable of transcendence beyond the physical. A person can become almost whatever he desires to become. It is a matter of personal formation.


Now personalising this situation, do I see myself as the same as all other men? Or do I want to be seen as same as all other men?
With immediacy I would respond NO but the reality is not always the same. It is a question that is not just as it appears and which one may really feel he is not like others But is seen as the same as others. But why?

First of all, almost all humans have similar desires in life. The sexual life is generally shared by all and most times when not guided, it is projected wrongly for a selfish satisfaction. The truth is that the topic of all men are the same is often projected towards the desire for sex and that is all. It is seen that a man can go any length to have a lady and after one or two times, the interest dies.

Growing up, these words grew with me as I heard them often from movies and around the neighborhood from ladies whose emotions have been punctured. Thus, I grew with a determination to never go with the crowd bu to be a differnt person. Like I said earlier, the differences in persons are as a result of personal decisions to go out of the social way of living to cultivating a more authentic life style.

But is the reality easy to come by? Not at all my friend. It is easier said than done. Some times it seems one cannot just hold himself from doing some certain things which would make one to be considered to be the same as others. I am not actually saying that I am the same as all men but in some way I share a quality of all men and that is stemming from the frailty of my humanity but which I am working really hard to overcome and become better.

I really hate it when I am the cause of someone's unhappiness and I wish to never be a source of sorrow but gladness. And what about future partner? I never wish her to be like other ladies in the sense of the that negative social construct. Of course, she can be like other ladies by acting just like a lady and not like a man. She can like other ladies by cultivating values proper for the life of a lady but not the life of ladies who are obsessed with wealth and not ready for sacrifices.


Life is a journey and as much as we live, we keep learning to be better persons. But never will I really want to relinquish myself to always seeking my own gains at the expense of others' pains. In response to the thinkers corner challenge for the month of July organised by @kenechukwu97 I project this reflection of mine. And I hope that you derive some meaning in this. Thank you for reading and not missing a dot, hehe.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


A good reflection, you are right we are not all the same although people want to categorize people like that. It's good that you always want to be different and not make anyone suffer.
Keep being your best version always 👍, greetings.

Difference is the key word
I am glad you also subscribe to this
Thanks for reading friend

I agree "the differences in persons are as a result of personal decisions" ando I likes a lot read your interesting post. Thanks for sharing. Blessings

I am glad you appreciate this
Thanks so much

What makes someone different from the other person is truly the decisions that person makes. Let's keep making conscious choices to be better people.

Yea that is it
Tanxhiu ma

I can imagine you doing a self-reflection exercise while writing this. Your thoughts on this topic made it obvious that you are fully aware of who you are, who you don't want to be and who you are building yourself up to be. It also speaks about the sort of lady you would want to build a life with.

These things are all about our decisions. You made a point about that and I concur. We are all born into the "all men and all women are the same" fallacy. But, we can easily prove that we are just as we are painted by doing the same thing all other folks have been doing.

When we choose to live our life while projecting a respectable value, even someone that doesn't like it will still admit that "here's someone that's different".

Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts on this edition of the challenge. Well Done 👍.

It takes a certain level of emotional intelligence to not let ones self go and be like everyone else in this rollercoaster called life.

Often time, people re-evaluate their life decisions and take new stands based on how they've been treated in the past.

I like how you are cautious about not being the source of another person's unhappiness. You are doing well sir, well done.


The fact that you know who you are and your stance is amazing. Truly, no one is perfect, and the fact that men will be men doesn't mean one has all the bad behaviour of some other men...

There's a lot that determines the growth of an individual from family, society, and others. I enjoyed reading your approach to this. Thanks for sharing your beautiful thoughts on this.

Glad you understood the point
Thanks for your patronage, hehe